2023: One Goal that will change your life forever!







With a brand new year comes a renewed sense of excitement and messages promising goals that will change your life forever. But there is only one goal that will change your life forever.

With this brand new year, it is a great time to decide what you will focus on. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “So you think, so shall you be.”

What do you want to be in this new year? Kinder, more organized,  a better prayer life or a overall more loving person?

What do you think about? Do the two line up?

Focusing on your goals by writing them down, measuring them and reviewing them daily can help you obtain your goals. I, however, do believe there is one goal that should always be at the top of the list.

Having a deeper relationship with God is one goal that will change your life forever! 

Having a deeper relationship with God will change your life forever!

I don’t care where you are in your relationship, you can always go deeper with God. Check out my blog entitled Deep and Wide; How deep do you want to go? .

Here are some tips to help you; 

  1.  Be intentional. Set aside a specific time to be with God. Put it on your calendar and set a reminder. It is the most important meeting you will have all day.
  2. Choose things that will encourage a deeper relationship. Read a blog, devotional or scripture and pray. You could listen to a guided meditation (here’s one I enjoy) or start a gratitude journal, listing all the things you are thankful for. Notice what makes you feel closer to God. For me, as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, I say,“This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” As I move on to my ‘quiet time’ of coffee, scripture and prayer, I choose to focus on God, giving Him the first part of my day. By doing this, I take God with me through the rest of the day.
  3. Finish in silence. I generally end my morning routine in silence, not to be confused with prayer time. This is the time when God often responds to me.  Practice sitting in silence for one minute. Next time maybe you will sit in silence for 5 minutes. Then 10  or even 20 minutes. This is a spiritual practice you can build up to. When you first begin to hear from God, you may not be sure if it is you or God. Write down what you hear. For more information on this subject, check out my blog on “How to hear from God” . Every time we come into the presence of God, we are changed, because God is so holy.
  4. Pause throughout your day to acknowledge God. This is powerful! Every two hours, stop and offer up a prayer of thankfulness, reflect on scripture or just remember God is always with you. Do this for seven days, tracking your progress. You will know at the end of the week if this is helpful. Do what makes you feel closer to God.
  5. Last tip, become a part of a faith community. This could be a small group, church or a couple of friends who meet regularly for the sole purpose of deepening their relationship with God. I often experience God through others. Proverb 27:17 NIV reads,“Iron sharpens iron, as one person sharpens another.” For more encouragement on deepening your relationship with God, read my blog on Experiencing God and the power of sharing our stories with one another.

Just do something! 

There is a lot of information here. And you do not have to do it all. Even choosing one tip and focusing on it, will improve your relationship with God. Just do something!

I can guarantee you, focusing on your relationship with God is the one goal that will change your life forever. In Revelation 21:5, Jesus says, “I am making everything new.” This is the new you! The you God created you to be. One step forward in this relationship has the potential to improve your life, giving it meaning and purpose. Be confident knowing as you draw into God, God will draw into you. And, He who began a good work in you, will see it through.

God loves you so much. As your focus on your relationship with God, you will experience more and more of this overwhelming love. Then you can share it with others. People will want what you have. Focusing on your relationship with God has the potential to change the world. It will definitely change your world.

Want you commit to making God the first priority in your life this year?

Let us pray,

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 

P.S. Leave me a comment below letting me know what you plan to do today to strengthen your relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. We are here to encourage one another, support and pray for one another. I would love to hear from you. Forward this message to a friend and ask them to subscribe to my website. Post this message on Facebook and tag me and others in it. Until next time, take a moment and be with God today. -M

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