How to Pray

Hey friend, I’m so glad you are here. First off, let me encourage you, there is no wrong way to pray. You can’t mess it up or get it wrong. 

Prayer is communication. It is a conversation between you and God. And just like any good conversation, there is a time for you to talk and there is a time for you to listen. 

The point is recognition of a source higher than yourself.

I have a friend that starts each prayer with “Hey Dad”.  You could begin with “God”, “Lord Almighty”, “Creator of the Universe” or “Hi, it’s me again”.  It doesn’t matter.  Just start talking.  And if you have never prayed before, this may seem silly.  It is not.

So let’s do it together. Here we go;

Dear God, it’s me and I need your help.  I don’t know where to turn, so I’m turning to you and I don’t even know if you are there.  But something inside of me has lead me here. So I’m trusting that these words I utter will reach a higher place and something outside of my control will begin to happen.

Thank you, dear Lord for hearing my prayer.  Let me feel your presence today.  In this moment.  And I thank you in advance for what YOU are going to do.  Amen. “

Well, now, that wasn’t so hard, was it? I’d love to hear from you. So hit the “CONTACT” button in the upper right of the screen and I’ll join you in prayer for your situation. #livelove -M