2025: The “WHY” behind it all







Did you know there is a “Why” behind it all, behind everything we do? There is, even if you are not aware of it. Today, we are going to discover our Why and why it is so crucial to achieving our goals.

As we moved into 2025, last week we looked at the one goal that could change our lives forever. For me, it is a deeper relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. And although this is my “New Year’s Resolution,” if I do not know the “Why” behind it, it is likely I will not achieve it.

It is a tradition to set goals or New Year’s resolutions. There is excitement around a brand new year and potentially a brand new me. However, statistics show most people lose sight of those goals within three days? Three days! That’s awful. What’s the point?

Well, we are 8 days into the New Year and if you have already forgotten those goals, goals that were important to you a week ago, today is the day to get back to it. Refocus on what you really want and achieve your goals for 2025. I’m going to show you how!

Last week, I shared some tips to help me achieve my goal to have a deeper relationship with God. Although they can help, I am likely to not get there if I do not understand the “Why” behind it all. The tips, if tailored, can help you with any goal. But the same applies if you don’t know your why. So, let’s figure that out first and leap from there.

  1. Be Intentional.
  2. Do things that encourage a deeper relationship.
  3. Spend time in silence, listening.
  4. Pause throughout the day.
  5. Become a part of a faith community for support and more encouragement and accountability.

I can follow the above with resilience, but if I do not know my why, likelihood is I will not be any further along by the end of 2025 then when I began.

That is why we have to find the Why behind it all.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” And He also says in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

I want to live this full life. I have lived enough of life that I realize life lived with purpose, combined with leaning on our Great Creator,  helps me live a fuller life, a better life. Life gets hard but with God, all things are possible.

When life does get hard, scripture reassures us, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

When you wonder how you are going to do something, how you might meet your goals, lose that weight, save that money, strengthen your marriage or have a deeper relationship with God, refer back to the quotes starting with Nietzsche, (paraphrased) “the why can bear the how.” Now that is powerful!

As you focus on your goals for this New Year, think about the “Why” behind it all. If you can find your why, you can indeed reach your goals.

My relationship with God is the most important relationship in my life. That means, it has priority over all other things. I make time to spend with God daily. And I believe, by putting God first in my life, all my other relationships will be better for it. I encourage you today to find your Why.

Let us pray,

Dear Lord, thank you for a new year. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for this moment. Strengthen us to do the work You have called us to do and may we be filled with your Spirit as we go forth. In Jesus Name, Amen.

P.S. Leave me a comment below and tell me if you have found your Why or if you need guidance finding it. We are here to encourage, support and pray for one another. I would love to hear from you. Forward this message to a friend and ask them to subscribe to my website. Post this message on Facebook and tag me and others in it. Until next time, -M

Wanna go deeper? Check out my blog entitled Deep and Wide; How deep do you want to go? .