Am I willing to participate in spite of my fears?

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke at a church in Greensboro, NC. I was a little out of my comfort zone, speaking from the pulpit alongside the minister. The more I focused on my fear, the more nervous I became. I had to ask myself, “Am I willing to participate in the work that God is doing in spite of my fears?.” I pushed my fear aside and stepped forward in obedience knowing that God is always with me.

As Christians, we often have to push through our fears in order to do the work God has called us to. It is all to easy to show up at church on Sunday morning, listen to a message, drop some money in the offering plate and head out the door as if we’ve done something. We should be active in our faith both inside and out of the church. We should intentionally seek a deeper relationship with God not just on Sunday morning but every other day of the week. God is real, not some fairy godmother waiting to grant our wishes.

My relationship with God has led me down a path I did not anticipate. At every turn, my husband and I have had to step over our fears. You can check out our backstory here. I remember being scared to death to go on a spiritual retreat, the same retreat where God asked us to sell our house. Years later, when God said, “leave the church,” I was angry and terrified.  I find myself having to consistently push passed my fears in order to participate in the work of God.

However, in that participation, I get to share my stories. As I prepare for another speaking engagement tonight, I am reminded how important it is that we share not only our stories with one another, but our fears as well. In the vulnerability of sharing, we connect, comfort and encourage. And God is there.

This blog is a way for me to share my stories of God at work in my life. The day I got ready to hit publish on my very first blog, “Dream Big Dreams”. I was scared. Fearful thoughts flooded my mind trying to hold me in my comfortable life. I remember thinking, “maybe no one would read it and if they did, they probably wouldn’t like it anyway.” As I reread that old blog post today, I’m surprised at its prophetic nature. God has a plan if I am willing to participate in spite of my fears.

August of last year, I wrote a blog entitled,Want to experience God, share your story. At the time, I was preparing to speak for the very first time since I sold my business and began writing the book. My voice shook as I stood before those sweet people. They received my story with warmth and appreciation. After that talk, many thanked me for opening up and they began to share their stories. God is at work. Had I given in to that fear of speaking, I would have never known their stories and I would not have experienced God on a deeper level. We have to be willing to push passed our fears in order to participate in the work God has for us.

My fear is not so much these days when it comes to speaking. I thank God for that. But I’m certain I will run into it again. When I do, I have a choice. Will I give into the fear and allow it to hold me here or will I step over it into the place God has for me. I pray I can always be courageous enough to step over it.

Action step: Today, I would like for you to think about your own relationship with God. Think about your stories where you pushed passed your fear and did something for God. How did that feel? Did that situation leave you with a story? I know you have a story, who could you share it with today? How might it impact their life? How might it impact yours?

Let us pray: Lord, give us the courage to step over our fears in order to participate in the work you have for us. May we be willing to share our stories so that others can see you in us and through us. In Jesus Name, Amen. -M

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If you would like me to speak at your next event, small group or book club, check out my speaking calendar here.

If you haven’t purchased my book, The Me Disease, you can do so here.

Thank you for reading, subscribing and sharing. You are part of the reason I do this. The other part is God.