
2 posts

Faith development

Do you ever doubt? (Part 2)

              Do you ever doubt? I cannot count the number times I have doubted God. But Jesus asks us to “stop doubting and believe.” To move passed our doubt, into belief. What would it take to do just that? Last week, we looked at Thomas and discovered when in situations beyond our control, if we ask, God will show up! Thomas wanted to see Jesus just like the others had. So, he asked for it, in order to believe. […]

Set Apart for a PURPOSE

Did you know you have been set apart for a purpose? Just like Christ was/is set apart, so are you. Today, as we dive into scripture, we are going to discover what our purpose is and what God is asking us to do. I think we would all agree Jesus was set apart for a purpose. That fact might be the thing that makes us squeamish about our own purpose. If we acknowledge we have a purpose, then we might have to do something about […]