
344 posts

How to pray (part 4)

                      I am loving this deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer in regard to how to pray. I hope you are as well. Sometimes, I envision Jesus standing before me, just as He did the disciples, teaching me how to pray. It is a powerful visualization, but that is how real our faith is! As we study the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6, we begin to see, it is broken into two sections. The first, […]

How to pray (part 3)

              As we look at the model of prayer, given by Jesus, in Matthew 6, we learn just how to pray.  Last week,as Jesus prays, “Our Father,” we realize we all belong here! To know that you belong, that I belong, is an amazing feeling! The week before that, we found out, some call The Lord’s Prayer, the Disciple’s Prayer. Jesus is in fact teaching us to pray as He prays. We also learned within the Lord’s Prayer are […]

How we pray…

              Last week, we found out how important prayer is, when it comes to deepening our relationship with God. In that message, Jesus models praying for us. If you ever wondered how to pray, this message is for you. Let’s be clear, there is no wrong way to pray. The definition of prayer is; “a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.” I like to think of it as a conversation. […]

How important is prayer?

            This year, I have committed to going deeper with God. Understanding my “Why” is critical to being able to obtain this goal. Part of going deeper, is seeing as God sees. This is tough, so I prayed a prayer, “Lord, give me eyes to see.” Then, God answered and it became harder. How did it become harder? I then was able to see things as God does. Or at least my interpretation of it, anyway. I began to see […]

Give me eyes to see…

            We just had our first snow storm in three years. One and a half inches of snow, sleet and freezing rain. That’s about as good as it gets in North Carolina. For whatever reason, when it gets cold like this, cold enough to snow, I think of those without homes. Those people on the streets without a warm bed and a hot meal. And I always pray, “Lord, give me eyes to see.” A few years back, I remember […]

2025: The “WHY” behind it all

            Did you know there is a “Why” behind it all, behind everything we do? There is, even if you are not aware of it. Today, we are going to discover our Why and why it is so crucial to achieving our goals. As we moved into 2025, last week we looked at the one goal that could change our lives forever. For me, it is a deeper relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. And although this is my “New Year’s Resolution,” […]