I cannot believe we are in the middle of Lent 2025. March 5th began our Lenten season and it runs until April the 17th. This is a Christian holiday I overlooked for years. But, reflecting on this season can heighten our awareness of our faith and get us ready for all the miracles of Easter. Just like Advent prepares us for the birth of Jesus, Lent does the same for His death. Reflecting […]
We have been talking about how we pray for about 6 weeks. Now, we find ourselves in Lent, which is the perfect time to deepen our relationship with God. But, before we move on from The Lord’s Prayer, there is one more lesson we must learn and it is a tough one. When we think about The Lord’s Prayer, there is one last piece I did not want to talk about. In fact, I had decided to skip […]
How we pray is important. As we enter Lent, this is the perfect time to learn from the Master. Jesus teaches us through The Lord’s Prayer. Some call it “The Disciple’s Prayer.” Regardless what we call it, there is much for us to glean in this model. This is how we pray. Matthew 6:9-13 reads: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our […]
If you have been following along the last few weeks, you know we have been learning how we pray. As we break down the Lord’s Prayer, taught to us by Jesus himself, we see there are two distinct sections. The first part focuses on God. The second is about us. Today, we will finish up the “God” part with “Your Will be done.” If you want to catch up, here are the links; How we pray […]
I am loving this deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer in regard to how to pray. I hope you are as well. Sometimes, I envision Jesus standing before me, just as He did the disciples, teaching me how to pray. It is a powerful visualization, but that is how real our faith is! As we study the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6, we begin to see, it is broken into two sections. The first, […]
As we look at the model of prayer, given by Jesus, in Matthew 6, we learn just how to pray. Last week,as Jesus prays, “Our Father,” we realize we all belong here! To know that you belong, that I belong, is an amazing feeling! The week before that, we found out, some call The Lord’s Prayer, the Disciple’s Prayer. Jesus is in fact teaching us to pray as He prays. We also learned within the Lord’s Prayer are […]