
344 posts

Our Eternal Advent (week 4)

Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! With Christmas upon us, it is good to reflect on our Eternal Advent. With it, we can see all the attributes of God. These gifts are available to us as well. Hope, peace, love, and joy. But, joy is something to be celebrated! One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Joy to the World, the Lord is come. Let Earth receive her King.”  Can you imagine what it would […]

Our Eternal Advent (week 3)

            As Christmas rushes toward us, we continue to move into our Eternal Advent. Clearly, we begin to see our four themes emerging; Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Last week, we looked at Peace, as the angels proclaimed it from the night sky. “Peace on Earth. Goodwill toward men.” But what is this goodwill they speak of? “Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men.” Re-reading the Christmas story from my NIV Bible, I noticed it does not say goodwill. Instead, Luke […]

Our Eternal Advent (week 2)

            The wrapping and unwrapping of gifts is one of my favorite parts of Christmas. In the wrapping, I find peace and solace in the preparation of the gift itself. Unwrapping the gift gives us the “anticipation of.” It is the hope of what the gift might be. It is also in the excitement of unwrapping where we discover love and joy. These are all gifts of our Eternal Advent. As we move into the second week of Advent, we […]

Our Eternal Advent (week 1)

              While talking to my sister the other day, I randomly said, “I feel like I’m stuck in some kind of eternal Advent.” With frustration, I explained when waiting persists, it can become difficult to keep the faith. However, there is one thing that always keeps me going. Hope. Hope is like a light in the dark and always keeps me moving forward. As we said our goodbyes, I could not shake this term, “the eternal Advent.” Letting the […]

Giving of thanks

              Sometimes, I forget that Thanksgiving is for giving thanks. It seems so simple. The instructions are actually in the name. Thanks-Giving, the giving of thanks. Most of the time, I breeze right passed it and miss the whole point. However, practicing an attitude of gratitude, makes it easier to remember to give thanks. Last week, I wrote a blog on 3 Steps to help us become more thankful. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude helps us learn how to be […]

3 steps to help us become more thankful

              If I told you there were 3 steps to help you become more thankful, would you do it? Thanksgiving is the perfect time to practice our gratitude. So, today, let’s see if we can cultivate a little more thankfulness in our lives. As I opened my Jesus Calling devotion this morning, I read, “A thankful attitude opens windows of heaven.” The words remind me that thankfulness is not a gift, it’s an attitude. And not just an attitude we choose, one […]