This weekend I had the opportunity to share my story at a local Prayer Breakfast. The theme of the day was “Following God’s Call”. I was overjoyed because me and my family are indeed following God’s call for our lives. God quickly directed me to Deuteronomy 4:9-10, paraphrased, “Do not forget what your eyes have seen. Teach them to your children. Remember… ” As children of God, we must remember ‘what our eyes have seen’ and share those stories. By sharing our stories with one another, we are following God’s call for our […]
I remember being at a spiritual retreat where we spent some time thinking about our old wounds. We were encouraged to let go of anything that we might be hanging on to, whether un-forgiveness, anger or resentment. This act of confession would then clear the way for God to do a new thing. Initially, I thought this was a waste of time since I couldn’t really think of anything that might be bothering me. I was surprised, as I sat in this quiet space, when God began to reveal some resentment I had been […]
Today is the first day of school and as the alarm clock goes off, me and my son hit the ground running. There’s always a lot of rushing in our home when school begins and I often feel like I’m on that old game show “Beat the Clock“. I finish packing his lunch, as he grabs his water bottle and we head out the door. We are ahead of schedule. Imagine that. As I drive, we make small talk about the day, his locker, his lunch. And my 8th grader admits he has butterflies. […]
Do you ever wonder where hope comes from? Have you experienced feelings of expectation, that something is about to happen or God is about to do something? I came back from a spiritual retreat and found myself overflowing with hope. So much hope that I wanted to share it with you, friends and family. This morning my hope continues as I met with a friend at Starbucks to share my experience of God working in my life. As I began to share, something started to happen as she opened up as well. Our energy […]
Here we are in the middle of summer and with that comes VBS. Every church sign I see is an advertisement for their upcoming Vacation Bible School. When I was a little girl, my favorite part of VBS was the singing, especially the songs with signs. It makes me think of the old children’s song “Deep and Wide”. Do you remember it? “Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.” We would move our hands up and out for the depth and width of this fountain. Even […]
God changes everything, I mean everything! I just got back from Aldersgate Renewal Ministries conference, held at Lake Junaluska in NC. I am blown away by the God we serve. For the next few weeks, I’d like to share some of what I experienced. I believe it is in our sharing that we catch glimpses of God at work in our lives. Because God is so big, God works through us in ways we cannot even imagine. It’s like throwing a pebble in the river and watching the ripples roll […]