I dream big dreams. However, it has not always been that way. Some years back, I had this man randomly approach me and say, “God wants you to know, it is okay to dream big dreams.” The statement energized me then and it still energizes me now. God needed me to know that it is okay to dream. Because, “nothing is impossible for God.” God wants you to dream big dreams too. Sometimes, we are afraid to dream because of the fear of failure or […]
344 posts
Have you ever thought you have power over the world around you? Not in a Harry Potter, kind of way. In the way a stone thrown into a lake, kind of way. The ripples of my life, touch and impact as they travel out from my center. I believe that the way in which you believe actually creates the world around you. My beliefs, my words, attitudes and actions actually impact the world around me. Impacts the people I come in contact with, those seen […]