Christmas is over. Or is it?

It is hard to believe that one week ago today it was Christmas morning. That was the day I was reminded that Love Came Down. Everything leading up to the birth of our Lord and Savior has been wrapped in magic for me this year. It all began with what I was Expecting for Christmas. I intentionally set my expectation and by doing so, created some kind of Christmas magic for me that continued throughout the season.

So on Christmas morning, I was not surprised to find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. Unfortunately, that is where my Christmas ended and all the magic disappeared.

Where my Christmas ended…

Not even three hours into Christmas day, I had forgotten all the magic of Christmas. As we ripped into our gifts, emptied our stockings and prepared for family visits with lunches and dinners and more gifts and more family and more food, I left Jesus lying in the manger. Love was still here. Love had still come. But I had walked away, leaving it behind.

But, Luke 2:13-15 of the Passion Translation reads;

Then all at once, a vast number of glorious angels appeared, the very armies of heaven! And they all praised God, singing:

14 “Glory to God in the highest realms of heaven!
    For there is peace[i] and a good hope[j] given to the sons of men.”

15 When the choir of angels disappeared back to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go! Let’s hurry and find this Word[k] that is born in Bethlehem and see for ourselves what the Lord has revealed to us.” 

The Message reads; “They left running…”

I’d like to think that although I left Jesus lying in the manger, that I somehow remembered to take His Love with me anyway. But the truth is, I did not. I left as quickly as those shepherds but with different intentions. The shepherds were so excited about the news that they left running to see for themselves.

The wonderful thing about God and His love is it is always with us.

Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us.”

Although, I walked away from Love, Love never walked away from me. You can’t leave it behind. It goes with you.

Later that day, as we gathered hand in hand and prayed blessings for the meal we were about to eat, I felt love. In sacred moments, we shared hugs with relatives I don’t see as often as I’d like, I felt Jesus. Later in the day, with another family at another place, we gathered and remembered those who were no longer with us. The magic of Christmas returned to me as if it had always been there.

I did not go running with excitement like those shepherds. But I saw Love anyway. I saw it for myself. I felt the Love of Christ and know that although I left Jesus lying in that manger, LOVE never left me.

Love is here. Love is now.

Ironically, today is the start of a brand new year! Welcome 2020, the year of perfect vision. God, may I see your love more perfectly this year than ever before.

Christmas isn’t over, it has just begun! Love came down and is dwelling within us. Love is in the sacred moments of a friend’s last breath, a hug that lingers or a warm hand held as you walk this path of life. Love is remembering those who have gone before us and cherishing those that are still with us. Love is here. Love is now.

So, let us go and see for ourselves that Love. Let us run as fast as we can and embrace this Jesus that lives within us, now and forevermore. Let’s go!

In Jesus Name, Amen. -M

(Check out the YouTube below, Love is Here. If you can’t see it, view from your browser.)