FEAR! Let me show you how to take your power back!

Fear is an ugly four-letter word and I think it is time we took our power back! I want to show you how.

Two weeks ago, I had a surgical procedure which inadvertently helped me conquer one of my biggest fears. Empowered by this recent victory, I want give you the very tools that helped me move passed my fear and take my power back. If you missed last week’s blog, you can click here to get the backstory.

Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. It hides in our minds, often paralyzing and stopping us dead in our tracks. But 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” We need to see FEAR for what it is and together, take back our power.

The first thing we have to do is admit it! What are you afraid of? Can you name it? Sometimes what you think you are afraid of is actually disguised. Originally, I thought I was afraid to have surgery. After I spent some time with it, I realized I wasn’t afraid of the surgery. Actually, I was afraid to be put to sleep. By admitting my fear, I began to take back a little bit of my power. Then, through prayer, I was able to confess that fear to God and ask God to help me.

Admit your fear and tell someone about it. 

Once you admit your fear, it is critical to tell someone. This will remove some of the power the fear has over you. I wasn’t talking about my fear to anyone. In my silence, that fear was growing. Admitting my fear to my family and friends caused some amazing things to happen. First, they began encouraging me. Many of them had their own experiences. As they shared, I learned from them and slowly began regaining my power. (Disclaimer – Make sure the person you tell is an encourager not someone who will feed your fear.)

After I admitted my fear to my friends, several of them asked if they could pray for me. This is the natural next step. It is good to pray for one another. Confessing your fear to a friend and asking them to pray for you puts you in a vulnerable position. Brene’ Brown talks a lot about “leaning into the discomfort” and how this is the place where real relationship happens. Being able to admit our fears and struggles to one another gives depth and meaning to our friendships. Do not be afraid to admit to your fear and ask someone to pray for you. (Ephesians 6:18 NLT) For more info on why you should ask others to pray for you, click here. 

Driving home a few days before my surgery, I became overwhelmed with fear. Lucky for me, I had found this great song called It is Well by Bethel Music. I’ve dropped it below. This song brings me so much peace and reminds me to keep my eyes on God. When I focus on my fear, that fear gets bigger. But, when I focus on God, the fear diminishes. Once I realized this, I began playing that song every time I felt that fear. Find a song. 

Pray. Listen. Read.

Scripture is another great way to overcome fear. I find verses that speak to me and write them on post-it notes, placing them on my bathroom mirror, in my car and near my computer screen. When that fear creeps in, I just look to that scripture and remember God is with me. One of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous.” On surgery day, my husband was on duty so my mother took me. As we waited to be called back, she handed me a small piece of paper. Unfolding it, I read in her own hand-writing the verse, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go.” I clutched that note in my sweaty hand all the way into the operating room.

Your Assignment:

Name the fear you are struggling with right now. Say it aloud. Write it down. This is the first step in overcoming your fear. If you aren’t sure what it is, ask God to show you and begin praying about it. Next, tell someone and ask them to pray for you. Find a song that comforts you and listen to it as much as you need to. Post scripture around your home, in your car and at your workplace. Memorize it if need be. These are all action steps designed to help you build momentum. Momentum will propel you forward and move you through that fear. This is what I did. This is what helped me. And before I knew it, I had conquered my biggest fear. Thanks be to God!

Let this song be your prayer today.

P.S. – Leave me a comment below and let me know what fear you are struggling with. I’d love to hear if you used any of these techniques and how they worked for you. And just know, friend to friend, I’ll be praying for you. -M