Fishes and loaves (part 2)

fishes and loaves







As we continue reflecting on the fishes and loaves, it is important to relate this message to our own lives, gifts, and ministries. Embracing God as our Provider, does not always come easy. But, when we look back at our experiences, we begin to see how faithful God really is. Stay with me, because today, we are going to be taking a deep dive into this miracle.

Last week, we saw Jesus turn ministry into miracles. This week, we are going to look how far back God’s faithfulness goes and how long He’s been doing this same miracle.

If you missed last week’s blog, you can click here to catch up. I would also suggest re-reading the scripture lesson found in Matthew 14:13-18. 

Great is Your faithfulness. 

Here are a few key verses and points to reflect on.

  • In Matthew 14:16, Jesus says,You give them something to eat.”  (Have you ever felt as if God were asking you to do something?)
  • When they brought the fishes and loaves to Jesus, they were bringing Him all they had. Reluctantly, they gave it to Him. (What are you reluctant to give God?)
  • In verse 19, Jesus took the fishes and the loaves and “looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.” (This reminds me of the Last Supper. Reflect on that a moment.) 
  • After they brought Jesus what they had, Jesus thanked God for it, broke it, and then gave it back to them. (Ponder this process. What do you have that God has blessed and given back to you? What might God be asking you to do with it?) 
  • Jesus didn’t feed the people. Instead, He gave it back to the disciples for them to do it. It makes me think of the passage where Jesus says, Feed my sheep.”  (How does the thought of Jesus asking you to do it make you feel?) 
  • In verse  20, They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.” (There was more than enough, so much that there were leftovers. Was there ever a time in your life where God provided and there was more than enough in the end?) 

What can you offer God today? 

Last week, I shared that I recently helped my sister with a fundraiser for a Kenyan ministry. As we began planning the event, we thought maybe we could raise $1000. Maybe $2000. We brought what we had to God and amazingly, God is continuing to multiply our efforts. Even after the event is over, donations keeps coming in. We have well exceeded our original target.

This is what God does. He takes what we bring Him, blesses it and gives it back to us. As we turn and share it with others, the miracle begins and God multiplies everything. Isn’t God amazing!

However, in hindsight, I now believe the miracle begins when we bring God what we have. That’s where it starts. When we trust God with whatever we have to offer, God will do incredible things through us. Thanks be to God!

Let us pray;

Oh great multiplier of miracles, create a heart in us for service. Help us to trust You with all we have. Teach us that it is not ours but Yours. May we truly be the hands and feet of Christ each and every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

P.S. – Leave me a comment below because I love hearing from you. Forward to a friend, share on Facebook and meet me back here next week as we go just a little deeper on this fishes and loaves. Until then, reflect on what you can do for God today. -M


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