God is always doing a new thing like these flowers in the mud

photo by Tracy Bullins

Hey friend.  Have you ever noticed how God is always doing a new thing?  I just got back from an annual camping trip to West Virginia.  It was great as always.  But there were places on the trails dry as bones and other places full of muck and mire.  As we were traveling along, I noticed these beautiful yellow flowers blooming right out of the mud.  It caught my eye and I had this overwhelming sense that is what God does in our lives.   God is always doing a new thing and creating something beautiful in the midst of our mud.  I instantly thought about the times in my own life and the figurative mud that I have been in before.  It amazes me how God uses those muddy moments to bloom some of the most beautiful things in our lives.  Praise be to God!

It reminds me of the scripture in Isaiah 43:19 New International Version (NIV) that says,

19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.

As you might know, I sold my business recently to follow a dream of writing a book and speaking.  Since the decision to sell, I have often felt that I was in the wilderness.  But God’s Word tells us that God Himself is making a way in the wilderness for me.  Such comfort to know that God is always doing a new thing.

When is the last time you felt like you were either in the wilderness or knee deep in mud?  Are you there now?  Can you see the new thing that God is doing?  Can you see the flowers that God is blooming right there in the midst of your mud?  Take a moment now to write down what you are feeling, what you have to be grateful for and what flowers God is blooming in your mud today.  Share in the comments below if you feel so inclined.  I would love to hear from you and would definitely like to be praying for you.

By the way, would you pray for me too?  I’m working on my first manuscript now and  hope to have it finished my mid-summer.  I appreciate you coming along with me on this journey.  It brings me much comfort, #bettertogether.  Also, feel free to forward this to your friends and family.  The more, the merrier.

Before we go, let’s share a prayer together.  God, thank you that you are always doing a new thing in our lives, often in the midst of our mud.  We ask that you be with us and lead us to the places that you would have us go, that we could be the people you would have us be.  And we thank you that YOU are always making a way  for us.  We love you, dear Lord, and ask all these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


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