“Free me for joyful obedience.”
As I recited the words from United Methodist communion liturgy, it was like hearing them for the very first time. “Free me for joyful obedience.” I have said these same words countless times before. Free me. Me. For obedience. And not just for any obedience. Joyful Obedience. What does that mean and how can obedience be joyful?
For at least 10 years now, I have been on a path, sometimes obedient and sometimes not so much. I shared a message the other night, saying that by “hearing God, trusting God and responding in obedience to what God says, it takes all the guess work out of things. God said it. I’m going to trust God at his word by obey Him. There’s a whole lot of peace and joy that has followed me on this path.” I wonder if I’ve somehow found that joyful obedience?
- the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires
- a state of happiness or felicity
- a source or cause of delight
God is my source of delight. I realize that the closer I draw to God, the more joy I experience.
Psalm 37:4 (ESV)
4 Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Pete Scazzero says, in his book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, “True spirituality frees us to live joyfully in the present. It requires, however, going back in order to go forward. This takes us to the very heart of spirituality and discipleship in the family of God—breaking free from the destructive sinful patterns of our pasts to live the life of love God intends.”
I want to live that life of love God intends for me to live. I want to break free from all the destructive sinful patterns of my past and experience the true spirituality that frees us to live joyfully in the present. Then, and only then, can we do the work that God has created us to do and be the people God created us to be. Then we can live a life of love and be filled with joyful obedience.
In my book, The Me Disease, I talk about joyful and not so joyful work. “There is work that needs to be done, both inside and outside the Church. But if that work cannot be done through a spirit of love, you don’t need to be doing it. It is easy to recognize. Ask yourself these three questions: Does it bring you joy? Does it bring others joy? Does is glorify God? If you cannot answer a resounding, joyful “YES” to all three questions , then it is time to re-examine why you are doing what you are doing. Let God lead you. God will make crystal clear what you should and should not be doing on His behalf if you are willing to listen.”
It is time to experience that joyful obedience. Break free from your old patterns and embrace who you are in Christ. God’s got work for us to do.
Let us pray: Dear Lord, free us for joyful obedience. Teach us how to delight in you. Set us free from our destructive ways and lead us to a life of love that you intended for us. In Jesus Name, Amen. -M
Next up:
- September 28th at 1pm, Barnes and Nobles book signing (High Point Location) and I need your help. We want to promote this event in a big way. I will be doing a Facebook Live later today announcing how you can win a $25.00 Barnes and Noble gift card just by helping me. Plan to come on out (1 chance to win), bring a friend (another chance to win) and buy a book (another chance to win). The more friends you bring, the more chances to win. Your support means the world to me.
- If you missed my Jesus Calling blog entitled, New Beginnings. in August, here it is. Check it out.
- Be sure to pick up your copy of The Me Disease in print or digital, available on Amazon. OR – come to Barnes and Noble on September 28th at 1pm and grab your copy there. I will sign it especially for you.
- I would love to speak at your next event. Here’s My Speaking Engagements Calendar for more details. You can reach out to me at Contact Me.
- Leave me a comment because you know I love to hear from you.