Freedom and how to find it


Let’s break from our Miracles study for a moment to talk about freedom. It is a word I take for granted because I have grown up in all kinds of freedom. But today, let’s talk about real freedom and how to find it.

Around the fourth of July, we begin hearing a lot of talk about freedom. Even yesterday, I received a group text from a minister out of Charlotte, NC which read; “Do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. Walk by the Spirit, whose fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5)

Although I take my freedom for granted, often in my internal world, I am far from free. Matthew 26:41 says, “the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Sometimes, I feel like I am constantly battling my flesh. I want to eat less, worry less, spend less. But, instead I eat more, worry more, and spend more. If I am walking by the Spirit, where’s that self-control Paul talks about?

Walking by the Spirit

The other day, I realized I am enslaved to many things; food, shopping, my to-do list. Think about where you spend most of your time and where you spend most of your money. If you peered into your mind, what do you think about most? This can be a real eye opener.

Take my to-do list for instance. Each day, I list out the things I need to do for the next day.  As I go along, I get a little rush as I mark off the completed items. However, before I get to the end of the list, I’m adding more to the bottom. Sometimes I think, “if I could just get to the end of this list, then I would be free.” But I never get to the end.

Freedom does not come at the end of a list or the end of your work day or even at the end of your career. Freedom doesn’t come when your bank account reaches some magic number.  No. Freedom comes right now, here in this moment.

Here’s how;

In Luke 10:42. Jesus says, “only one thing is necessary.”

The apostle Paul talks about prayer without ceasing.

And, James 1:25 says, “look into the perfect law that gives freedom.”

Any freedom we have comes from God.

In the scriptures, we learn about the character of God. We read about flawed individuals who God uses to show a broken world of His incredible grace. Through Jesus, we learn what “God with us” really means and the depth of God’s love for us. Through prayer and the Holy Spirit, we connect with God. God reveals Himself to us and through us. This is where we discover we really are a child of God.

I love the song by Hillsong, entitled “Who You Say I Am.” Check it out at the end of this message.

Here are a few of the lyrics;

“Who am I that the highest King would welcome me?
I was lost, but He brought me in
Oh His love for me
Oh His love for me
Who the Son sets free
Oh, is free indeed
I’m a child of God, yes, I am”

Being in the presence of God changes us. It changes me. During that time, God reveals His incredible love for me and I find freedom. “Who the son sets free is free indeed. I am a child of God, yes I am!”

How do I find freedom? God! It’s that simple.

Let us pray:

King of kings and Lord of lords, how is it You would love me? But You do! Thank you that through your grace, I am free. Teach me how to pray. Show me who You are through your Word. Give me a desire to know You more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. – Leave me a comment because I always love hearing from you. Forward this message to a friend. Share on Facebook and tag me in. Thank you for reading, sharing and encouraging me like you do! -M

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