God is always calling YOU! (Part 2)

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God is always calling us. Have you heard God calling you?

Last week, we began a lesson on listening. From 1 Samuel 3:1-11, we get to see Samuel’s very first encounter with God. Studying his story can help us as we begin to learn how to hear from God.

Let’s revisit a few verses from that chapter.

Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, where the ark of God was. Then the Lord called Samuel.”

Our first lesson is proximity and eagerness. We know by proximity of where Samuel was laying that he was eager to hear from God.

Where you are in proximity to God?

Are you eager to hear from God? Where you stand in nearness to God is a direct reflection of your eagerness.

Our second lesson is recognizing. So. let’s look at verse 10, “The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!””

How does it make you feel to think of God standing there, near you, calling your name? It is important we begin to recognize the voice of the Lord.

The Lord called Samuel three times. But it took a friend, his mentor, someone who already knew the voice of the Lord to realize and advise Samuel.

This is our third lesson. Find a friend or mentor that has a close relationship with God and learn from them.

Eli is the one who told Samuel how to respond.

“So when the Lord came, calling as at the other times,…

Samuel responded this time with, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

11 And the Lord said to Samuel: “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it tingle.”

When God speaks to you, your ears will tingle. My ears are tingling now at the thought of what the Lord has to say to you. When we cultivate our relationship with God and begin to hear, and respond with trusting obedience, our ears will tingle and our world will change.

God has things He wants to share with you.

Rest assured, the Lord is near and He is always calling you. If you are unsure, position yourself near to God, begin to recognize the voice of the Lord and find a friend that can help you. So that, the next time you think the Lord is calling you, you can respond with joyfully eagerness, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening?”

Let us pray;

God of all that is, thank You for being near to us. Teach us how to be near to You. Help us to begin recognizing your voice. Make our ears tingle with all the wonderful things You want to tell us. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

P.S. Leave me a comment below because I love hearing from you. Forward this message to a friend that might like to hear from you or God today. Share on Facebook and tag me in it. Until next time, may your ears tingle with the things God says to you this week. -M

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