God is making all things new!







A friend reminded me of this blog I wrote back in 2018. Surprisingly enough, it was titled “God is making all things new.”

If you remember from last week’s blog, we looked at God making everything beautiful in its time. It reminded me of that verse about God making all things new. Which leads us here, to this blog. God amazes me how He is always connecting the dots.

God is making all things new. 

From eggs to chicks, as well as me and you, God is making all things new. I do not know much about chickens, but I have a friend who loves her baby chicks. For 21 days, she patiently waits for her eggs to hatch. She’s like a little kid at Christmas. To the naked eye, it would appear nothing is happening. But inside that shell is a whole lot of life. Near the end of its stay in the egg, the chick will begin rotating its body in a complete circle, while pecking small holes at the shell.  Then, that little chick will push against the shell and ‘voila’, out pops a brand new life. I understand why this excites my friend.  It is quite incredible and makes me think of the scripture in Isaiah;

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” 

God is always doing a new thing.  

Here’s the thing, that chick had to peck, push and literally break through the outer shell in order to experience the fullness of life. It probably felt pretty safe inside the shell, content even. But God instilled a desire for something more.  To top it off, God gave the chick a pointy little egg tooth to break through with. That tooth falls off shortly after it hatches. Talk about God doing a new thing!

So what do chicks and shells have to do with us?

Lately, I have found myself pretty content with life. Not that contentment is a bad thing. But, when I get too comfortable, I get lazy. I might not read my Bible every day or say my prayers or even act like I care about other people.  This is when it is time for me to break out of my comfort shell. Revelation says, “Behold, I am making all things new.” That’s me! And that is you too. God is making us into new people.

So, what shell do you need to break through today in order to experience the new thing God is doing in your life? Maybe your breakthrough is an old habit you need to give up or a healthier lifestyle you need to pick up. It could be saying ‘no’ to others in an effort to say ‘yes’ to God. Maybe your breakthrough is adding a spiritual discipline, a new practice that brings you into deeper relationship with God and others. Or is could be making you and your family a priority in your own life, instead of way down at the bottom of the list.

Whatever it is, God is always doing a new thing. Take the time to reflect on these words. Ask God to reveal the new thing God is bringing forth in your life. Be zealous for the Lord! Courageous as you break out of your comfort zone and be amazed at what springs forth!

Let us pray:

Heavenly Father, thank you for instilling a desire to know You more in us. Thank you for equipping us with the tools we need to break out of our comfort zones. Give us the courage to be the people You have called us to be.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

P.S. Leave me a comment below because I want to hear about the new thing God is doing in you. Forward this to a friend who might need a little encouragement today. Post on Facebook and tag me in it. Until next time, just know God is making us new! -M

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