How to be joyful in hope

Do you know how to be joyful in hope?

Last week, I shared the One Goal that would change your life forever.  I was excited to hear from many of you listing the tips that resonated within your own lives. As we round the corner of the second week of January, hope and anticipation hang in the air. I have this ‘hope’ for a better year, for a better me.

Hope is a powerful thing. 

Ironically, my morning scripture reading came from Romans 12:12, which reads, “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” I wonder if the three go together?

I know for me, patience is not my strong suit. If anything, I am impatient. And my impatience showed up big during the holiday season this year. As I waited in extra long lines, I became annoyed and aggravated with people. No one seemed to be in as much of a hurry as me. However, I remain hopeful because I know it is not them but me. And I am a work in progress. This hope reminds me of this.








A few days ago, as I was praying to God about my impatience, I felt the need to ask God to forgive me. God gently reminded me to not let my impatience steal my joy. I wonder if patience is somehow connected to joy.

I am reminded of those tips I offered up last week. If we will intentionally deepening our relationship with God, God will speak to us and show us the way in any given situation.

As I reread the scripture from Romans 12:12, I’m excited, almost joyful. My study notes read,  “The certainty of a Christian’s faith is a cause for joy.” So is ‘hope” certainty?

My study note for Romans 12:12 references Romans 5:5, which reads, ” hope does not disappoint us.” If hope does not disappoint us, then I want more hope. My study note reads, “The believer’s hope is not to be equated with unfounded optimism. On the contrary, it is the blessed assurance of our future destiny and is based on God’s love.”

Hope is assurance of God’s love.









Remember that old praise song, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly trust in Jesus name.”

Hope is based on the certainty of something and is grounded in our knowledge of God and who God is in us. Hope is the assurance that God’s love never fails and never ends. Therefore, we can trust in our own relationship with God.

If we are to have any hope, it is solidified in our own personal relationship with God. I think this is something to be joyful about. Because hope does not disappoint! Just like God does not disappoint!

Let’s revisit those tips from last week and commit to deepening our relationship with God. And know this, as your relationship with God grows, so will your hope. Put your hope, your faith and your trust in God and His love for you. Because hope never disappoints and love never fails!

Let us pray:

God of hope, forgive me for not trusting you with my whole heart. Grant me the assurance of your love so that I may be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen. 

P.S. If you feel encouraged by this message, feel free to forward it to a friend. Ask them to subscribe so that they may be encouraged as well. Share this message on Facebook and tag me in it. Until next, be joyful always! -M

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