How to pray (part 4)












I am loving this deep dive into the Lord’s Prayer in regard to how to pray. I hope you are as well. Sometimes, I envision Jesus standing before me, just as He did the disciples, teaching me how to pray. It is a powerful visualization, but that is how real our faith is!

As we study the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6, we begin to see, it is broken into two sections. The first, is the “God” section, and the second is the “us” section. Two weeks ago, we learned, when Jesus prays, “Our Father,” He is folding us into the family. And we all belong here! What an amazing realization!

Last week, we found out just how holy God is and why it is so important. Scripture tells us to ‘be holy because God is holy.” That is a mighty big task, but one we must strive for. It leads us to the next part, “Thy Kingdom come,” and how we participate in it. Hang onto your hats, because God’s got some good stuff to show us.

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done”

Jesus says,

“This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.”

The problem with familiarity in prayers is they often lose their significance. However, if we read slowly, lingering over the phrasing, and studying the words, we might see with new eyes just how powerful this prayer really is.

“Thy Kingdom come…” 

“Your kingdom come…” This is God’s kingdom, the way God intended it to be.

The Message says, “Set the world right; Do what’s best – as above, so below.”

Only God can set the world right. We often think we know what is best, what is right, but this is a job for God. When we pray, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done…” we are submitting to God. This is where we learn to trust God and God’s will for the world and our lives. God’s ways are higher than our ways. We need to believe God knows what is best. Learn to trust God and believe.

My study note says, “your kingdom come” not in the sense of to come into existence– after all, it is already here–but to come more and more completely until its full and final consummation.” It goes on to say, “It is the establishment of God’s will in the hearts and lives of his people, the overcoming of all the forces of evil, the removal from the world of all the consequences of sin– including death and all that diminishes life–and the creation of a new order of righteousness and peace. The idea of God’s kingdom is central to Jesus’ teaching and is mentioned 50 times in Matthew alone.”

“Seek first the Kingdom of God…”

As we learn from Jesus, how to pray, we begin to see, we belong to a family larger than we ever realized. God is holy and we are be holy.

Every time we go before God in prayer, we come into His Holiness, making us a little less unholy.

Our participation with God shows the world who we are and whose we are. Trusting God and His Kingdom sets right the world around us.

As we learn to trust God, we move into this right relationship with God. We help bring the Kingdom here on earth.

We have got to get this “God” part straight first. We don’t have to get it right, but we do need to hold it in a right perspective. Then and only then, can we move to the “us’ part of this prayer.

Let us pray,

God of all that is, bring us into a right relationship with You. Help us to understand your holiness. Teach us how to trust You completely. Show us how to bring Your Kingdom here. May Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. Leave me a comment below and let me know how you are liking this series on prayer. Forward this message to a friend and ask them to subscribe to my website. Share on Facebook and tag me in it. Until next time, think about what it would mean for God’s Kingdom to come here on earth. -M

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