All snuggled up in my covers, I glanced over to check the time and realized that I could lay in bed for at least another 30 minutes. It was unusual that I would even open my eyes before my alarm went off. But I felt as if God had nudged me, inviting me to come and be with HIM.
As I made my way to the coffee pot, I began to ready myself for the day and my time with God. There is something about being with God that mysteriously puts my day in order. I wouldn’t miss it.
As I took my first sip of coffee, I noticed the pink of the sunrise out my window. The colors were drawing me to them. So I headed outside and took a seat to enjoy the display God was providing.
It seemed that just as I was waking up, so was all of creation. The sun slowly began to stretch its arms across the sky casting shades of pink and purple throughout. As I sat there, taking it in, I could hear a rooster way off in the distance. A choir of crickets sang in the thicket to my left as well as other singing birds that I couldn’t see. Then, four crows, no five, flew overhead, cawing as they went by. They all joined in on this melodious morning praise song to our God. It was incredible.
I breathed it in and noticed the glistening grass that had been kissed with dew. It made me think of the manna that God gave the Israelite’s every day for forty years. I don’t even know why I thought of it. But just as I did, it was as if God whispered, “I have given you everything you need for this day.” I relaxed into the thought of it. Everything I need. What a comfort.
When I went in, I re-read the story from Exodus 16. I hadn’t read it in quite some time. I immediately noticed some things.
- The Israelite’s grumbled against Moses and Aaron.
- The Lord provided manna from heaven.
- They were to gather only enough for that day.
- The glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud.
When the Israelite’s grumbled against Moses and Aaron, they were actually grumbling against God. How many times have I grumbled against my situation or my circumstances? I never thought that in my complaining I might actually be grumbling against God or what He had given me. This was a harsh realization for me. One that I am going to spend some time with.
The scriptures tell us that the Lord rained down bread from heaven but instructed them to only collect what they needed for that day. Two thoughts occurred to me. First, even though God provided food for them, they still had to go and get it. How many times has God given me what I asked for but I refused to go get it? Second, how often do I gather for the days ahead? For me, I am constantly rushing ahead. When I do, I am rushing ahead of God.
The glory of God remained with them, but because of their grumbling and complaining, they missed it. How many times have I missed the glory of God simply because I was too caught up in myself?
This is not the only time God has provided bread from heaven. In John 6:32-35, Jesus reminds us, “It is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world… I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
So for me, the next time I catch myself grumbling and complaining, or even worrying, I’m going to remember, I’m not just complaining. I’m grumbling against God. And when I’m worrying, I’m not trusting God. God has given me manna from heaven. The true bread of life. I have everything I need for this day! And I am thankful!
Let us pray;
Father God, forgive me for my grumbling. Forgive me when I do not recognize all that I have and all that you have given me. Help me to realize that I have everything I need for this day and teach me how to be thankful for it. In Jesus Name, Amen. -M

- Here’s the link to my blog on Jesus Calling entitled, New Beginnings
- Be sure to pick up your copy of The Me Disease in print or digital..
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