Several weeks ago, I began writing about our spiritual seasons. I really had no idea where God was going to lead us, but the Great Farmer of our lives always has more lessons for us to learn. Now, I realize the growing and pruning seasons are necessary if we are going to reach the Harvest Season. Last week, we learned God prunes the good stuff in order to make it better. And, the growing season is necessary but […]
Living a Life of Love
Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at our spiritual seasons. Today, we will look at the season of pruning, which may be the most misunderstood season of them all. The definition of pruning is “to trim by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.” Interesting that pruning increases growth since last week we discovered the painful, yet necessary growing season. What does scripture say about pruning? You may be […]
Have you ever thought about your spiritual life as related to a season? Last week, we began talking about the four spiritual seasons. Scripture tells us, “there is a season for everything.” Today, we are going to look at the season of growth. The Old English root word for “growth” is “growan,” which means “to grow or flourish.” I remember as a child my mama always talking about growing pains. I don’t really remember having them myself but my son had terrible pains in his […]
With the onset of autumn, I have been writing quite a bit about the changing seasons. Just as the seasons shift, so do the seasons of our lives. But what about our spiritual lives? Have you ever thought about what spiritual season you are in? Maybe you have never thought about your spiritual life as related to a season. But scripture tells us, “there is a season for everything.” Today, let’s discover what spiritual season you are in […]
Just like summer shifts into fall, we transition into different seasons of our lives. But, have you ever thought about what season you are in? We recently took a family trip to the mountains. We saw the most beautiful colors of the leaves. We played board games, roasted marshmallows and took walks. We sat, talked, and reconnected as a family. Our ages ranged from 11 to 84 years of age. Although we were having loads of fun, there was […]
“It was a dark and stormy night…” Don’t all good stories start out with some type of hook to keep you reading. But in real life, those storms can flip us upside down, often leaving us feeling abandoned and alone. When life gets hard, one of my go-to verses is James 4:8, which reads, “draw near to God and God will draw near to you.” It does not, however, say, if you do this, this and this, then God […]