Living a Life of Love

355 posts

Come and See what God has done!

            As we light our fourth and final advent candle, we celebrate love. Christmas reminds us of God’s great gift of love and is our invitation to come and see what God  has done. For He loved us so much, He sent his only son to be born to us as a little baby, to live and grow among us. But more than that, God sent Him to not only live with us, but to live within us. The divine […]

The Great Gathering: Advent week 3

            Have you ever heard the saying, “the joy is in the journey”? A goal is an achievement. When we reach it, there is excitement but it is fleeting. True joy comes from a much deeper place. As we round the corner of week three of Advent, Christmas is pressing in on us. Last week, we discovered Peace as we lit the 2nd Advent candle. But, all my peace is gone, as I have gifts still to buy, wrap, and […]

The Great Gathering: Advent week 2

            Today, we light the second Advent candle. This candle represents Peace and Preparation. If you remember, I made a list of intentional things I would do this Advent to draw closer to God. I challenge you to do the same. I am adding Peace to that list. “Find more ways to be peaceful.” There are three things that bring me peace; reading scripture, listening to music and praying. Isaiah 9:6; has become my go-to this season. “For to us […]

The Great Gathering: Advent week 1

            Here we are in our first week of Advent and you may already feel the rush of Christmas. Advent challenges everything in us to slow down, when the world is saying speed up. As we reflect on the Great Gathering of God’s people, we anxiously await the baby Jesus. We must slow down. If you remember last week, I shared my list of things to intentionally prepare for Jesus’ coming. If you missed it, Click Here. Today, we will […]

The Great Gathering

            There is a Great Gathering that happens at Thanksgiving. As our family and friends come together to share a meal, we are grateful for all God has done for us. However, The Great Gathering is not a finishing of the spiritual seasons or even an ending to a wonderful year. It is a prelude to Advent. God is gathering His people for something miraculous! Advent is our four-week period leading up to the birth of Christ. As we prepare, […]

The Wilderness Season

              As I began writing about the spiritual seasons of our lives, I quickly found the four seasons; Growing, Pruning, The Wilderness and the Harvest. However, as I was writing, the order changed. I quickly could see how the Growing Season leads to Pruning which leads to the Harvest. But what about the Wilderness Season? I thought about skipping it altogether. Then, God lead me to the definition of harvest, “a process of gathering.” That is when I knew […]