Living a Life of Love

360 posts

God is always calling YOU! (Part 1)

                    God is always calling you. Have you noticed? Sometime back, I was preparing to speak a lesson on hearing from God at a women’s luncheon. As I rehearsed the message, I was reminded that God is always calling. Not like on the phone or yelling my name to come in for dinner. More like beckoning and inviting me. As I practiced my message of hearing, trusting and obeying God, I began to remember my own […]

Freedom and where to find it (remade)

      With it being the week of July 4th, let’s talk about freedom for a moment. It is a word I take for granted because I have grown up with all kinds of freedoms. But today, let’s look at true freedom and where to find it. We always hear a lot of talk about freedom around the Fourth of July. Just yesterday, I received a group text from a minister which read; “Do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. […]

Breathe on me…

                This morning, I woke up with an old familiar hymn rolling around in my head. The words to Breathe on me breath of God go like this, “Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love the way you love, and do what you would do.” Breath is important to our lives. Without it, we die. But how critical is it to loving the way God loves and doing what God would […]

Good, good Father (reposted)

                Sunday was Father’s day and as we reflect on our dads, it is always a little bittersweet. Some are still here with us, but many have gone on. Others have left us with great examples of what it means to be a good, good father. But some have been absent and shown us what not to do. Today, let’s look at God as our example through the eyes of another father. The father of my child. From […]

You deserve a break today

            You deserve a break today, don’t you think? We all deserve a break from time to time. Today, we are going to talk about the importance of being. You’ve probably heard the old saying, “We are human beings, not human doings.” However, often we just keep pushing, striving, and straining to get it all done. Whatever “it” is. We forget that rest is good for us. The definition of resting is;  to cease work or movement in order to […]

The Holy Spirit arrives!

              Did you know we all have power when the Holy Spirit arrives? Last week, we learned about the birth of the church in the blog post, Happy Birthday! This week, we are going to find out what happens when the Holy Spirit arrives. The church is not only born, but so are we! As we follow Jesus, through his last days, and even the days after his death, we see the Holy Spirit working within Him. Through His […]