Living a Life of Love

355 posts

Why is Lent so important? (Week 4)

              We are well on our way to discovering “Why Lent is so important?”. As we enter into Week 4, we begin drawing closer to Jesus. Getting to know Him means living life with Him. The closer we get, the more transformed we are. Today, we begin to realize all Jesus did between here and the cross. Reflect and prepare, as you read through these next few chapters of Matthew. See what Jesus sees and experience the healings, teachings […]

Why is Lent so important? (Week 3)

              Have you ever thought of Lent as a lesson in preparation? Just like Advent readies us for Christmas, Lent prepares us for Easter. Understanding the importance of Lent prepares us for the gift of life and death through Jesus. Today, let’s look at the three things Jesus calls us to do, especially during Lent. Last week, we studied Jesus’ time in the wilderness from a new perspective. Sometimes God leads us to uncomfortable places, so we can go […]

Why is Lent so important? (Week 2)

            As we continue to understand why Lent is so important, we have to begin to trust God. Learning to ‘trust in the slow work of God,” means trusting God in every situation. This is God’s way of preparing us. As we look to God, we experience growth. Unfortunately, growth is not fun. It is uncomfortable, yet necessary. As we journey toward the cross, God grows us through our discomfort. Jesus knew learning to trust God was the first and […]

Why is Lent so important?

              I cannot believe today is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a Christian holiday I have overlooked for years. But, let’s look at why Lent is so important. Because it is, especially when we apply it to our lives. Just like Advent is a preparation for the birth of Jesus, Lent is the same for His death. Reflecting on the season, prepares us to receive all the mysteries of our faith. Life and death, held together, reveal the […]

All you need is LOVE!

            Do you remember that old Beatles song, “All you need is LOVE?”  That song has been rolling around in my head for over a week now. Since Tuesday was Valentine’s Day, it is the perfect time to write a blog about LOVE. For me, February is the “LOVE” month. Even though I hate the weather it brings, I love all the Valentine’s Day decorations. As I pack up my snowflakes and bring out my pink and red hearts, I […]

Are you listening? (reposted)

            A few years ago, I spoke at a women’s retreat. The theme for the weekend was “Do you hear Jesus calling you?”. Jesus has been calling me for quite some time. At this event, I was able to share story after story of how God has spoken to me; from selling our home, leaving our community, then our church and lastly, selling my business to follow the dream of writing a book. By hearing, trusting and obeying God, me and […]