Living a Life of Love

360 posts

Beginning to be

              Here we are almost at the end of  the first month of the new year and I feel like I am beginning to be. I am still very excited about my goals to have a deeper relationship with God. I am encouraged that I do not have to be overwhelmed to do that. Today, let’s look at what it means to “be” and how important it really is. My goals have not changed since the beginning of this […]

I don’t do overwhelm!

              I do not do overwhelm. Not anymore. I used to, but in this brand New Year of 2023, I decided I don’t do overwhelm. And, I have to admit, it feels pretty empowering. When I reflect on all the needs of this world, it is easy to get overwhelmed. There is so much work to be done here. Ways to help others, including needs within our communities and even in our families. Often, I would find myself asking, […]

How's your mental health?

How to be joyful in hope

Do you know how to be joyful in hope? Last week, I shared the One Goal that would change your life forever.  I was excited to hear from many of you listing the tips that resonated within your own lives. As we round the corner of the second week of January, hope and anticipation hang in the air. I have this ‘hope’ for a better year, for a better me. Hope is a powerful thing.  Ironically, my morning scripture reading came from Romans 12:12, which […]

2023: One Goal that will change your life forever!

            With a brand new year comes a renewed sense of excitement and messages promising goals that will change your life forever. But there is only one goal that will change your life forever. With this brand new year, it is a great time to decide what you will focus on. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “So you think, so shall you be.” What do you want to be in this new year? Kinder, more organized,  a better prayer life or […]

The Epiphany!

            Here we are, three days past Christmas and I had an epiphany. I tried really hard to focus on Jesus this year. Even still, I got caught up in the Christmas crazies and had an all out Christmas meltdown. With too much left to do, gifts to wrap, dinners to attend, I couldn’t handle it. When I realized my husband forgot to pick up one of the gifts, I toppled right over the edge. But then, I had an […]

Advent: Come Lord Jesus, Come – Part 4

            This past Friday, as I sat in a Christmas luncheon at the local university, with 100 other people, we read in unison a Moravian Prayer. It began like this, “Come Lord Jesus, our guest to be…” I had to smile at the realization God is continuing to beckon me toward the manger. We are all invited to get a little closer to Christ this Christmas. In just a few short days, Jesus will be born to us and the […]