Let’s break from our Miracles study for a moment to talk about freedom. It is a word I take for granted because I have grown up in all kinds of freedom. But today, let’s talk about real freedom and how to find it. Around the fourth of July, we begin hearing a lot of talk about freedom. Even yesterday, I received a group text from a minister out of Charlotte, NC which read; “Do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. Walk […]
Living a Life of Love
God offers us the greatest gift in the miracle of prayer. Displaying this miracle through His Son, we get to see prayer in action and the power of it all. Today, let’s ask God to reveal this miracle of prayer in hopes of discovering what the miracle really is; connection with God. Prayer is the cord that connects us to God. Last week, we learned that prayer is the cord that connects us to God. If we are faithful in prayer, God will make our […]
Who can heal our so little faith? Jesus! Who can make the blind man see? Jesus! Who can set the captives free? Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! My mother taught years ago, if I was in trouble, scared or just needed help, to call on the name of Jesus. There is power in that name and just by uttering the words, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” I was calling for help. It is a prayer in itself. I have used it countless times, from standing in front a […]
Today, we are diving into our story of “so little faith” from last week. If you remember, the father brings the demon possessed boy to Jesus’ disciples to be healed. They cannot do it. So Jesus takes over, teaching them all about the power of God and strengthening their faith in the process. You may want to reread the story from Mark 9:14-29. Today, as we look at a few key passages, we find four completely different faiths. As you follow along, ask yourself some […]
Do ever feel like you have so little faith? I do. As big as I think my faith is, unbelief is sitting right there with it. Almost mocking it. But today, Jesus wants to give us two miracles. One for us and one for our faith. Be encouraged because as disciples of Jesus Christ, He is still teaching us. Last week, as we looked at the miracle of Jesus healing the two blind men, we learned that even if our faith is as small as […]
Once, I was blind. Not completely, but since about the sixth grade I have had trouble seeing. It was not until the eye doctor corrected my vision, did I understand how blind I really was. There are areas in our own lives where we are blind as well. Today, we are going to find out what it takes for Jesus to give us our sight back. Last week, we saw Jesus calm the storms of our lives, and I realized in that turmoil, we cannot […]