Living a Life of Love

359 posts

Free me for joyful obedience.

“Free me for joyful obedience.” As I recited the words from United Methodist communion liturgy, it was like hearing them for the very first time. “Free me for joyful obedience.” I have said these same words countless times before. Free me. Me. For obedience. And not just for any obedience. Joyful Obedience. What does that mean and  how can obedience be joyful? For at least 10 years now, I have been on a path, sometimes obedient and sometimes not so much. I shared a message […]

Keep your eyes on the road…(Part One)

You aren’t going to believe this, but my husband and I started a new thing. We are biking! And we love it! My favorite part is when I’m coasting down hill with the wind in my face. I can feel the momentum building. I envision myself balanced atop my bike, arms open wide, eyes closed, soaring down that hill in a graceful free fall. However, the imagery in my mind doesn’t always match the reality of my life. I do love coasting down those hills. […]

What message are you sending?

Hey friend! The coolest thing happened Friday night on our way out of town. Earlier in the day, my husband got tied up with some stuff which pushed our leaving much later than anticipated. We didn’t even start packing the truck until nearly 7:30 p.m.. We were all hungry and I was extremely irritated. If ‘hangry’ is a real thing, I had it. Frustrated, we decided to pull into a Taco Bell on the way. Things just hadn’t gone as I had hoped. My husband […]

If there is a season for everything, what season are you in?

For many, Labor Day marks the end of the summer season. Like it or not, winter is coming. This is hard for me to say, being a summertime girl. That’s why with this long holiday weekend upon us, we loaded up and headed for the lake, trying to squeeze the last bit of summer out of it. With the blue skies and the sun shining, I found myself floating with friends on Sunday afternoon. This is my happy place. Ecclesiastes 3:9-14;says; What do workers gain […]

What are you yielding to? You get to choose.

Driving home from the store the other day, I noticed this small black looking stone on my side of the road. It was about the size of my fist, maybe a little bigger. I straddled it as I went by and realized it wasn’t a stone but a small turtle. Immediately, I slowed my car. Nostalgia set in, as I began remembering all the times my son and I would stop and help innocent turtles cross the road. With each save, we became more and […]

How full is your barn?

I just got back from a road trip to Middlebury, Vermont. As I drove through at least seven different states, I was blown away by the amount of land. What struck me most were all the barns. These were working farms with plenty of crops, barns, silos and land everywhere. Have you ever thought about the ‘plenty’ in your life? Those barns and all that hay, somehow got me thinking about my own “barn”, if you know what I mean. As a little girl, I […]