Living a Life of Love

359 posts

Everything I need for this day!

All snuggled up in my covers, I glanced over to check the time and realized that I could lay in bed for at least another 30 minutes. It was unusual that I would even open my eyes before my alarm went off. But I felt as if God had nudged me, inviting me to come and be with HIM. As I made my way to the coffee pot, I began to ready myself for the day and my time with God. There is something about […]

Have you experienced the Fullness of God? I just did. You gotta read this!

Have you ever experienced the fullness of God? That overwhelming joy for no apparent reason? I did, this past weekend and I just can’t wait to tell you all about it. Sometime back, I heard a Jewish Rabbi talk about the fullness of God being like “divine happiness.” That’s a pretty good description of what I felt during an event that I spoke at this past Saturday. Earlier in the week, as I prepared my message, the pastor called me to touch base. Before ending […]

I choose JOY. What about you?

I woke up this morning to that old familiar children’s song, “I’ve got the JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY down in my heart”? Do you remember it? If you were raised in church as a child or went to Vacation Bible School, then you probably do. This song makes me so happy, especially if I’m feeling down. If you’ve been following for a while, you know that most days, I wake up and say, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and […]

God is always calling. Have you noticed?

God is always calling. Have you noticed? As I prepared to speak a lesson in hearing from God at a women’s luncheon, I was reminded of this fact. Not like calling on the phone or yelling my name to come in for dinner. No, more like beckoning, inviting, speaking really. As I practiced my message of hearing, trusting and obeying God, I began to remember my own journey. I love God and love to talk about God. It’s my passion. When we encounter God, God […]

The Father knows before we ask. How great is that!

I have sometimes have amazing experiences in ordinary places. Today, while at the grocery store, I was reminded that our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need, even before we ask it. Struggling with a stiff elbow, I cautiously pulled the big bag of dog food off the shelf and onto the bottom of my grocery cart. I marveled at the swiftness and precision in which the bag landed, leaving me only to push the edges of the bag up with my foot. “Good job!” […]

Do you know how to live a life of love? Let me show you.

One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 5:2, “live a life of love.” In fact, that’s where my hashtag came from. You’ve probably seen it in my writings or near my signature line. It reminds me of the life I want to live, a life full of love.  #livelove But wanting to live a life full of love and actually doing it are two different things. Fortunately for us, scripture tells us how. Ephesians 5:1-2 reads, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children […]