If you’ve been reading my blogs the last few weeks, you know I’ve been writing about running the race set before us, based on the scripture from Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV . Has there ever been a time in your life when you didn’t feel like you were running a race? If you work an 8-5 job, Monday through Friday, you are just trying to get to the weekend. Parents often run between home, school, sports and home again. Not to mention the daily race for the […]
Living a Life of Love
Last week I wrote about Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV which encourages us to persevere in the race set before us. You can check out the blog here if you missed it. Spoiler alert, Jesus is the way. We must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. Today, I want us to drill down on how Jesus did it. There are a few things necessary for running this race. First, we need to hear God. I’ve said this before. If you’ve never heard from God or it has been a while, read my […]
Last week, as I prepared to speak to a group of ladies at a local church, I realized the message I was writing was for me. Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV says, “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and perfecter of faith.” My study note says, “the beginner and completer of faith. The ONE who went ahead of all believers in their faith…, hence the perfect embodiment of faith and the supreme model for faith.” That is Jesus. He is […]
The Thanksgiving season often forces me into a place of reflecting on my blessings, whether I like it or not. You know, there are seasons in our lives where it is hard to be thankful. But, scripture tells us to never stop praying and be thankful in all circumstances. Sometimes, it is still difficult. I wrote a blog a few weeks ago about When one of us suffers, we all suffer. My group of friends, often referred to as “the camping family’, is still moving through a very tough time. Nothing will […]
Have you ever thought about the grains of sand compared to the number of stars in the sky? What about God’s blessings in comparison to sand and stars? In Genesis 22:17, God gives Abraham a blessing and it is not just a blessing for him, but for us too. God says, “ I will bless you with incredible blessings and multiply your descendants into countless thousands and millions, like the stars above you in the sky, and like the sands along the seashore.” How big is a blessing like […]
Last week, I wrote a blog, referencing Romans 8:26-27, not knowing how important that verse would be in the coming days, Today, we stand with family and friends facing their own tragedy. I realize through our weakness the Holy Spirit is groaning for us. The Holy Spirit is taking our cries and presenting them before the Lord as requests. In turn, God gives us exactly what we need. For that, I am thankful. Romans says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what […]