Living a Life of Love

359 posts

Hope and where to find it

Do you ever wonder where hope comes from?  Have you experienced feelings of expectation, that something is about to happen or God is about to do something?  I came back from a spiritual retreat and found myself overflowing with hope.  So much hope that I wanted to share it with you, friends and family. This morning my hope continues as I met with a friend at Starbucks to share my experience of God working in my life.  As I began to share, something started to happen as she opened up as well.  Our energy […]

Deep and Wide; How deep do you want to go with God?

Here we are in the middle of summer and with that comes VBS.  Every church sign I see is an advertisement for their upcoming Vacation Bible School.  When I was a little girl, my favorite part of VBS was the singing, especially the songs with signs.  It makes me think of the old children’s song “Deep and Wide”.  Do you remember it?  “Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide, there’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.”  We would move our hands up and out for the depth and width of this fountain.  Even […]

God changes everything, I mean everything!

God changes everything, I mean everything!  I just got back from Aldersgate Renewal Ministries conference, held at Lake Junaluska in NC.  I am blown away by the God we serve.  For the next few weeks, I’d like to share some of what I experienced.  I believe it is in our sharing that we catch glimpses of God at work in our lives.  Because God is so big, God works through us in ways we cannot even imagine.  It’s like throwing a pebble in the river and watching the ripples roll […]

God’s blessings and where to find them

Today, I’m counting blessings.  Anyone that knows me, knows I love summer.  Summer is a blessing to me.  The trees are green, the sky is blue, the sun is bright and the flowers are in bloom.  I love all that beautiful color.  Creation is full of God’s blessings. One of my neighbors down the road has a small patch of sunflowers in their side yard.  I see them as I drive by, standing all nice and tall.  Have you ever noticed how sunflowers naturally face the sun?  I saw a whole stretch […]

joyous freedom

Trust and Obey Part 2; and how Jesus shows us the way

A couple of months ago I wrote a blog on Trust and Obey.  I talked about my own lessons of learning to be obedient to what God is calling me to do.  I believe every day I wake up, I have the opportunity to practice trusting God.  Whether I feel little nudges or hear clear messages, God speaks to me and I have an opportunity to respond.  I think you have the same opportunity.  The great thing is God did not leave us to learn these lessons on our own.  […]

God’s Amazing Response to last week’s blog on Worry

  God is so amazing!  Last week, I had much encouragement after I published my blog, “Still worrying and what to do about it“.  If you missed it, click the link.  The response was incredible.  I began getting comments that same day.  And the next day, I received this text picture from a friend of mine.  See calendar entry below. Her text message read, “Coincidental?  I think not.  XOXO”  I took it as confirmation from God and realized that my worry had indeed diminished.  Outloud, I thanked God that God was carrying my worry, […]