Have you ever thought about what Jesus meant when He said, we will do “even greater things” than He did? How could we do greater things? Today, we are going to discover what Jesus meant and how it is even possible. Last week, we celebrated the arrival of the Holy Spirit. As we reflect on Acts Chapter 2, we see words like “wind” and “fire.” Although Jesus told them the Holy Spirit, our Counselor, was coming, they had no […]
Living a Life of Love
“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Because on this day, we begin to understand the gifts of Easter. And on this day, we receive the greatest gift, the Holy Spirit! I love celebrating, especially birthdays. This past Sunday, we celebrated what is considered to be the birth of the church. That is what Pentecost is, the arrival of the Holy Spirit after Jesus’ ascension. In Acts 1:4-5, Paul recants […]
As we continue to understand the gifts of Easter, we are moving toward something big. In just a week or so, God is going to give us what Jesus promised, The Holy Spirit. These 40 days following Jesus’ death and resurrection have been filled with surprises. Jesus is showing us the reality of resurrection and that the Kingdom of God is upon us! If you missed any of part this series, you can catch up here; What comes […]
Those 4o days following Jesus’ death were important and spectacular, filled with awe and wonder. Jesus is dead, so we thought. But not just dead, he was crucified before our very eyes. Our hope is gone, or should have been. But, Jesus keeps showing up! Today, we are going to discover the wonder of it all which helps us understand the gifts of Easter. Several weeks ago, I wrote a blog entitled, What comes after Easter? Everything! Wonder […]
You might be wondering, why we are still talking about Easter, when it is the first day of May? But as we begin to understand the gifts of Easter, we see they are actually the building blocks of our faith. Last week, we saw the disciples locked up with fear, yet Jesus still comes to them. This week, we find disbelief, and yet Jesus still comes. God is always showing up for us. Today is no different. Read […]
Often when we do not understand something , we move into a place of fear. As we reflect on those confusing days following Jesus’ death, no one knew what was happening and they were all scared to death. That’s where we find the disciples, locked up in fear. But this is why it is important for us to understand all the gifts Easter has to offer. If you missed last week’s blog, we discovered through Mary at the […]