Living a Life of Love

355 posts

scared to sacred

                Have you ever been scared to do something? When I sold my business to write a book, I was scared to death. Fear must be a common struggle for people because it is mentioned in the Bible more than 500 times. We see angels saying, “Fear not,” and even Jesus says to his closest disciples, “do not be afraid.”  Maybe there is something sacred in being scared. The other day, I was reading one of Richard Rohr’s […]

Who are you following? Part 2

Photo by petebrady on   Who are you following? Do you know? Last week, we began looking at who you are following. But today, we are going to look at why. The “why” behind anything we do is important. When we understand the “why,” everything else begins to make sense.  As we read on in John 1:35-39,  ” The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. 36 When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” 37 When the two […]

Who are you following?

                We all follow someone. Either on Facebook, in the news, maybe your favorite motivational speaker, podcast, or musician. Even as Christians, we tend to follow a particular theology. So, who are you following these days? Today, we are going to see why it is so important to know who you are following. If you remember, the last few weeks, we have been talking about those people looking for Jesus. The Magi, Herod, Simeon and others all  knew […]

Epiphany: week 3

            As we continue looking at Epiphany, I am reminded of that old saying, “Wise men still seek Him.” Last week, we discovered the story of Simeon, an old man, who found Christ in a baby at the Temple. But Simeon had been looking for Him, just as the Magi were. Those wise men saw the star and followed it to the baby, praising Him and giving Him extravagant gifts. Let’s look at Matthew 3:  “In those days John the […]

Epiphany: Why we give gifts

Lately, I have been thinking about why we do the things we do.  Just like when we light the advent wreath, it symbolizes Love, Peace and Joy. Often, there is meaning even when we don’t realize it. If you want to read the Advent blog, you can click here to catch up. Love, Peace, and Joy are gifts Jesus gives us at his birth. But if you think about it, why do we give gifts at Christmas? Today, we are going to unwrap a few […]

Epiphany: week 2

As Christians, we observed January 6th as Epiphany Sunday. This is the day the Magi acknowledged the first manifestation of Christ to the world. Last week, we looked at the wisdom of those wise men and the gifts they brought to the brand new baby king. Today, we discover another epiphany, just 40 days later, in the temple, as Jesus’ divinity is once again realized. My prayer is that same manifestation of Christ as our Messiah will be revealed in you as well. The definition […]