Living by the Spirit – The first step in hearing is feeling

In order to cultivate a deeper relationship with God, we need to hear from God. But, there is one thing we must realize; the first step in hearing is feeling.

Last week, I told a story about a friend who didn’t think she was hearing from God. While sharing her heart, the hairs on my arm stood up. As she continued, I became aware of this feeling or energy moving between us. Compelled to point it out, I stopped her in mid-sentence. But what happened next, caught me by surprise.

In that moment of acknowledging God, I remembered.

Before I ever heard from God, I felt God. There was a time in my life when I didn’t hear God. But I began noticing these feelings associated with the presence of God. Often, it would be while in conversation or singing praise songs. Sometimes it would happen while participating in small group prayer.

How do you feel God’s Spirit?  

The Bible tells us in Galatians 5:22,the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.” These are all feelings. I am certain you have probably experienced some of them in your lifetime. These feelings are indicators of the Spirit. My favorite feeling is peace. Peace is the Spirit’s way of telling me everything is going to be okay.

In the midst of this conversation about hearing from God, God was speaking to us. God is active, personal and real. There is an energy that comes with God’s Spirit. If you tune into that energy, you can feel God long before you ever begin to hear God.

When I experience moments like these where the hairs on my arm stand up, I call them “Holy Spirit chills.” These “chills” or God-moments are an indication God is with us. By paying attention to these moments, I began noticing more of them. I don’t think I began having more of these moments, I believe I have been having them all my life. I just hadn’t noticed.

Feelings indicate the presence of God.

By noticing these God moments, we get to participate with God in this life. When we participate, God will teach us more about God and more about ourselves, thus deepening our relationship with God.

Awareness is key. When you begin to pay attention to these “God” feelings, you will start to hear. God is communicating with us all the time. If you think about it, this is both  humbling and amazing. The Great God the Universe longs to have a relationship with us. The question is; do you have this relationship?

Before I could hear God, I first became aware of God. The more aware of God I became, the more God moments I noticed. What I discovered is God is everywhere and in everything. I began noticing things like, turning to the exact scripture I needed to read, the perfect song playing on the radio or a friend calling in my moment of need.

I still hear God speak to me, that ‘still small voice” whispering words like, “Peace be with you.” But what I realize is God is speaking all the time. Not just in quiet whispers but through feelings, songs and sometimes other people.

This week, let’s begin noticing all the ways God could be communicating with us. If it is a feeling, pay attention to it. If it is the perfect song, listen to the words and imagine God speaking directly to you. As you begin to notice, you will see more and more of God.

Remember, the first step to hearing is feeling. But the first step to feeling is noticing. God longs to reveal Himself to you, to speak to you, to have a real live relationship with you. Because, God wants you to know how special you are and how much God really loves you.

Let us pray:

Oh Great and Magnificent God, teach me to hear You in all ways. Help me to feel your presence and know that You are with me. Slow me down enough that I may begin to notice You in everything. Increase my awareness and allow me to feel that great big love You have for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. -M

Wanna go deeper? Start a journal of all the places, sights, songs, scriptures, quotes, conversations with others where God might be speaking to you. If pen and paper are too cumbersome, use the “Notes” app on your phone and create a new page entitled “God moments.” Begin listing that ironic conversation you had a co-worker or that unusual billboard sign that happened to have the perfect slogan to encourage your heart. Jot down those joy-filled moments, times of overwhelming peace and the kindness of a family member. Remember, the first step in hearing is feeling. But the first step in feeling is noticing. Today, just notice.

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