
Dear Lord, thank you for this day.  For this is the day that You have made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank you for my breath and my life and all the new creation that is springing forth.

Thank you for my health and my abilities and my disabilities, for they make me who You have created me to be.  I know that when I am weak, Lord, you are strong.  Thank you for that.

Thank you for never leaving me and for always being with me, wherever I may go.  There is no where I can go that YOU are not already there.  Thank you for going ahead of me.

Thank you that I can come to you with all my needs and concerns, and you care for me.  You hear my prayers and sometimes, YOU answer them.

Thank you for being my GOD.  Be with me this day and all my days.  And lead me in YOUR ways.  In Jesus name, Amen. -M

ps – if you really aren’t sure how to pray, you can click here to learn more.

And always, feel free to leave a comment or click the “Contact” link in the upper right hand corner and let me know how I can be praying for you.  -M