One thing remains…

Well, Valentine’s Day has come and gone. You might be over the whole ‘love’ thing. Maybe life has gotten stale and boring? Or it feels like everything is falling apart? You might feel forgotten, lonely, or even overlooked. But today, I want to encourage you, even when the whole world lets you down, one thing remains…

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays, giving me a reason to decorate the house with hearts and love. But for many, this holiday is a solemn reminder that life does not always end with a “happily ever after.” Love is messy and imperfect, because we are messy and imperfect people.

But even if life has let you down, there is One that never fails.

Today, I want to offer you a love letter from God. If you are feeling down on love or life, forgotten, unworthy or overlooked, listen up! This one is for you.

A love letter from God

“My child. My beloved child, do you not know how much I love you?

I see you. Hiding in the corner, hoping no one notices just how lonely you are. I see your weaknesses. Even those you hide from the rest of the world. What you deem imperfect, I call beautiful. I created you just like you are. I long for you to see yourself as I see you.

I know you. I know your thoughts, your struggles and all your pain. I also know the plans I have for you. Plans to give you a hope and a future. Those plans come through Me, fulfilling that promise through your life. Look to Me in all things. Know Me like I know you. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. Let the revelation of who I am move through the core of who you are. You are my child!

I love you. I-Love-You. Let that settle on you. My love for you is so overwhelming I am willing to sacrifice everything for you. And I did! This sacrificial love is what allows us to be in relationship with one another. A relationship you take for granted. But you need it far more than you realize. Without acceptance of My love, you are left with a gaping hole which leaves you feeling lonely, disappointed and lacking. My love completes you.

Therefore, come to Me and I will wrap you in this love. Let Me take all your feelings of shame and disappointment, cleansing you of all unworthiness. Because you are worthy! My love will not only change your life, it can change the world!

My love is so wide and deep and high, you cannot comprehend it. You just need to accept it. Nothing can ever separate you from this love. Even when everything falls away, one thing remains. My love. I love you more than you could ever imagine!” -God

I see you. I know you. I love you. 

I did not realize how much I needed these words today. Maybe you did too. Sometimes we get caught up in life and take our eyes off of what matters most. God. And God’s amazing love for us.

I hope by now you know, there is a relationship you were created to have. It is closer, deeper and more intimate than you realize. If you don’t have it, or you want more of it, then now is the time. Because without it, you are incomplete. But with it, you are made whole. Today, I want you to be overwhelmed by God. I want you to know God like God knows you. So I’ll ask you to pray this prayer with me;

God of all that is, I need you more than I even know. I confess I don’t look to you as often as I should. But I know there is something missing in my life. I ask that you overwhelm me with your love today. Teach me to see you, to know you and to love you like You love me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Don’t forget to listen to the song below, forward this message to a friend, and leave me a comment. -M

(If you cannot see the YouTube video below, open in your browser. Listen and be overwhelmed by God’s love.)