To have a deeper relationship with God

What would it take to have a deeper relationship with God? Do you ever think about it?

What would it be like to have more fulfilling relationships with other people? To connect and feel connected? Could the the two be linked? That your relationship with God might somehow correlate to your relationship with everyone else.

I long to have a deep relationship with God and I want others to have it too.

Three years ago, I wrote my first blog in an effort to promote my upcoming book. That was the sole purpose. I created a platform and began writing. Little did I know, God was creating a ministry within me.

Today, I am clearer on why I write. I write to help people have a deeper relationship with God. Through my own experiences, God continues to teach me new lessons, leading me into a deeper relationship with Him. By sharing those experiences, I hope they might help you have a deeper relationship too.

My relationship with God is alive and vibrant. It is a real live relationship with the Creator of all that is. When I talk with God, it is like visiting with a sweet old friend.

Not everyone feels the way I do about their relationship with God. A lot of us feel stuck. Our relationships have grown stale and maybe even boring.

Do you feel stuck, stale, or bored? 

I can relate to feeling stuck since I have been working on my second book for a while now. I am happy to say, I am about halfway through writing it. Sadly, I have been about halfway thru writing this book for the last 12 months. I am definitely stuck.

Sometimes, God uses those feeling of stuck, stale, or bored to show us that something is not quite right. Today, I want to encourage you. Have hope, because God is still working, even when you are not aware of it.

Last week, I finished up a certification in spiritual coaching. During the training sessions, I was introduced to a new tool called the GPS assessment tool. This assessment, when taken, can show you areas in your life that need attention. By focusing on these areas, you can have a deeper relationship with God and other people. I am excited to be able to offer this tool to you. (More details in the coming weeks.)

While participating in this training, I learned key information that I needed to finish writing my second book. How we relate to God directly correlates to how we relate to other people and even our self. God is amazing!

How we relate to God correlates to how we relate to other people. 

I thought I was stuck. But, I did not have everything I needed to finish this next book. God needed me to understand the importance of relationship. God longs for us to have a deep, fulfilling relationship not only with Him but with others as well.

Jesus tells us, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

As I enter into a new phase of spiritual coaching, I am excited for what the future holds. God has created a ministry within me and it revolves around helping others have a deeper relationship with God. I will be sharing more about this in the coming months.

In the meantime, here are a few tips to help you have a deeper relationship with God and other people.

  1. Slow down. Take time with God. This could look like prayer, meditation, or even sitting in silence.
  2. Talk to God like you are talking to an old friend. Share your thoughts, fears and worries. Be open and vulnerable.
  3. Listen. This is active listening and is key to any good relationship.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with other people.

Let us pray;

God of all that is, show us how to have a deeper relationship with You. Teach us how to love You with everything we’ve got and love our neighbor as our self. In Jesus’ name, Amen. -M 

P.S. Leave me a comment because I love hearing from you. Forward this message to a friend or share on Facebook. Until next time, love God and others. -M

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