What’s your life verse?



coffee with a friend

Hey. You know, I just love being with you. It’s like visiting with an old friend.  I imagine us sitting down on my big fluffy couch, with warm coffee in my oversized mug that has some inspirational message on it.  I take a slow sip and settle in for some easy time of talking.  It’s like we are getting to know each other.  You know, it can be like that with God too.  God already knows you; your heart, your mind, what you struggle with.  God wants you to get to know God.

Last week, we talked about how we are created for something more. If you remember, I mentioned that my life verse is Ephesians 5:1-2, to live a life of love.  You probably have a life verse too.  A verse that you cling to more often than other verses. It’s your “go to” when your day flips upside down.  It brings you comfort in the midst of chaos and often puts things into perspective.  God does that for us.

The other day, I woke up very nervous. Wasn’t sure why.  I felt like my insides had consumed a double shot of expresso while I was sleeping.  I got myself up, showered, dressed and dropped my son at school.  By this time, I was alone in the car.  But the shakiness would not subside.  I began to pray out loud.  “God your Word tells me to be ‘anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, lift up my requests to YOU.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding  will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I continued to pray as I drove.  I prayed for friends and family and health issues of acquaintances.  I thanked God for specific things and ended up just having a wonderful time with the LORD.  I pulled into my destination almost disappointed that my time had come to an end.  It was many hours later when I realized that I had been carrying that peace of God all day long.  No nervousness.  No anxiousness. No stress really.  Just peace, peace that surpasses all of my understanding.  God is so good.

I would encourage you to  find your life verse. Commit it to memory.  It doesn’t have to be just one.  If you have trouble memorizing, write it on a stickynote and post it around.  Like on your mirror, in the bathroom, at your desk, or the fridge.  Ooh, ooh, on the coffee pot.  I’m there a lot.  Believe it or not, that verse will soak into your soul.  And when you need it the most, it will roll off your tongue and soothe your weary mind.

I’m new to blogging and I’m hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. I would love to hear from you.  We are creating something new here.  A new community. A tribe of encouragers.  Let me know your favorite verses in the comments below.  If you feel encouraged by this blog, please share it with your friends, either through email or facebook.  You can be an encourager too.

Here’s a quick prayer for you and me before we go.

Dear Lord, I thank you that your Holy Spirit leads and guides us into opportunities where we can encourage one another.  Let us be the light of Christ that you created us to be.  Let us be joyful in who YOU are in our lives, so that when others see us, they recognize YOU in us .  We love  you, dear Lord and thank you for teaching us how to love like YOU . In Jesus name, Amen.

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