Where do you find God?

Where do you find God?

I find God in the most unusual places, often when I’m feeling low or just plain stressed out. When things are going good, it is easy to forget about God. But when things take a turn for the worse, I go running straight to God.

Last week, I hit a bit of a bottom. Feeling about as low as I’ve ever felt, I wanted to blame my hormones or the overwhelm of school starting back. My body was revolting against the 5 a.m. alarm clock. Being tired, irritable, and moody is not my nature. It makes it pretty difficult to write a blog, especially one that’s inspiring.

But as I wrote last week’s blog, Flip the Switch, the most incredible thing happened. The blog was about a situation that appeared to be going from bad to worse. As I wrote, I struggled to string my thoughts together. My words, which normally flow freely, dried up. I pushed forward. The content included praying through difficult situations. So, I decided to take my own advice. Wearily, I uttered a little prayer. I needed God if I were going to finish this blog. Amazingly, God showed up and flipped the switch on me and my bad mood. That’s where I found God, right there while struggling to write my blog.

I find God through writing. 

There are others who have found God in unusual places.

Jeremiah 29:13 says, “Seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

God wants us to seek Him. But the beautiful thing is, God is actually seeking us. I didn’t expect to find God in my writing practice. I am also confident Moses did not set out to find God when he came across that burning bush. Nevertheless, that’s where he found God. Or maybe God found him.

Rest assured, whether you find God or not, God has already found you. God sees you, knows you and loves you more than you could ever imagine.

Through our struggles, we find God. 

Today, my calendar message read, “Clouds are sometimes the best way for our hearts to learn to truly appreciate the sunshine.” This is God reminding me, through our darkest days, our biggest storms, our worst mistakes, we often learn our greatest lessons. These are the places we find God. God is our greatest gift! It is in the finding of God that gives everything else meaning in our lives.

Think about the places where you find God. I am consciously aware that I find God in my struggles. My husband finds God through music. Moses found God in a bush. Elijah found God in the silence. Pay attention as you move through this day. Recognize God is with you and loves you so very much.

My husband found this song earlier in the week. Good timing if you ask me. Or “God-timing.” I can’t stop listening to it. I’ve dropped it below. Let it be your prayer or reminder of where you find God. (If you can’t see it, open in your browser.)

P.S. – Leave me a comment and let me know where you find God. If this message encourages you, share it with a friend or on Facebook.

Wanna go deeper? Write down all the places you find God in a day or a week. Go back and reflect on these entries. Thank God that God found you even when you weren’t looking. Ask God to reveal more of Himself to you each and every day. -M