You deserve a break today







You deserve a break today, don’t you think? We all deserve a break from time to time. Today, we are going to talk about the importance of being.

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “We are human beings, not human doings.” However, often we just keep pushing, striving, and straining to get it all done. Whatever “it” is. We forget that rest is good for us.

The definition of resting is; 

to cease work or movement in order to relax, or refresh oneself, to recover strength.
  1. to exist.
    to have being or existence, to live, to be alive, to have life, to breathe

Be still and know that I am God.” 

It seems like we have been programmed to do, do, do until we cannot possibly do any more.  And yet,  we keep going, and do just a little bit more. We have forgotten how to rest, how to be. In all this doing, we lose so much of ourselves and our joy.

That is why today of all days, I think you deserve a break today.

My Jesus Calling devotion began with, “Rest in me, my child.” It was a beckoning, to crawl up in the lap of God and rest.

I remember holding my son, as an infant, close to my chest and rocking him. It always comforted him. But, in the slowness of the rocking, and the quiet of those moments, it soothed me too.

Psalm 62:1-2 reads, Truly my soul finds rest in God;
    my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

There are benefits in resting.

So, how can we find rest in God?  

One way to find rest in The Lord is to intentionally spend time with God, coming into His presence.

Last week, in my blog, The Holy Spirit arrives, we learned,

As believers, there is a power we have access to. We don’t have to wait on it like the disciples did so many years ago. Often, in our haste, we forget about the Holy Spirit. Slowing down helps us remember that Spirit living within us.

Here are a few things to will help access it;

  • Repentance and forgiveness are both great places to start.
  • Prayer. Talking with God is being with God. This will lead you to repentance and forgiveness and to a deeper relationship with God.
  • Reading the scriptures. Every promise God has ever made is recorded in the Bible. We get to see those promises fulfilled. This builds our faith in God.
  • Sitting in silence and meditation. Often there is too much noise. But when we quiet our minds, we will discover God’s Spirit is right there with us.”

Repentance, prayer, reading the Word, and sitting in silence before God, helps bring us into His presence. Being in God’s presence, naturally brings rest for our souls. In those moments with God, we find joy.

“The joy of the Lord is our Strength.” 

So the question becomes, how much time are you spending with God each week? Attending a church service does not count. How much time are you spending with God alone each day?

Spending time with God on a regular basis will replenish your soul and rejuvenate your spirit. It is good for us, our relationship with God and with others. And, you will re-discover your joy!

I highly recommend making this a priority in your life.

My challenge to you today is spend 15 minutes in silence with God. This might seem weird at first and challenging to say the least. Push on. Set a timer. Go beyond your prayer time and daily scripture reading. Just sit with God and listen. Don’t talk. Just be. You might be amazed how this simple act will transform your life.

Let us pray,

God of all that is, teach us to just be. Let us commit to You like You are committed to us. Bring rest to our weary souls and restore us today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Want to go deeper? Challenge yourself to spend 15 minutes with God in silence everyday for 7 days. After the 15 minutes, write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Reflect on this time with God. At the end of the 7 days, what are the benefits you have discovered? Write them down as a reminder of why it is important to spend time with God every day. 

P.S. Leave me a comment below because I want to know how you are doing. Forward this message to a friend and/or post on Facebook. Tag me in it and let’s encourage one another to find a little rest this week. You deserve a break today. -M

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