
8 posts

Trust and Obey; Part 1

The other day, I woke up to an old hymn playing in my head, “Trust and Obey.”  “Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey.”  I instinctively knew The Lord was trying to teach me something. Today, I want to share that lesson of how to trust and obey with you. I remember, years ago, sitting in a church service with this unsettledness in my spirit. An anxiousness really. I felt as if the Holy […]

Trust and Obey; Part 2

Every day I wake up, I have the opportunity to practice trusting God. And so do you. Whether it is a little nudge or maybe a clear message, God is always speaking, leading and guiding us. We have the opportunity to respond. We get to participate in this amazing work here on earth. Today, we are going to dive in on what it means to trust and obey and why it is so important. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog on Trust […]