
344 posts

Thanking God in ALL things and why we should

1 Thessalonians 5:18 TLB says, “No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” Sometimes it is hard to be thankful when things don’t work out the way we think they should. But God’s Word clearly tells us that no matter what, we should be thankful. Why? Let me tell you a story. My son turned 14 this week and we always enjoy retelling his birth story. Days before the delivery, I was hospitalized to monitor our vitals. My blood pressure was […]

God is making ALL things new, even you

God is making all things new.  From eggs to chicks, as well as me and you. I don’t know much about chickens, but I have a friend who loves her baby chicks. For 21 days, she patiently waits for her eggs to hatch. She’s like a little kid at Christmas. To the naked eye, it would appear nothing is happening. But inside that shell is a whole lot of life. Near the end of its stay in the egg, the chick will begin rotating its body in a complete circle, while pecking small holes at […]

Peace, it’s not just a Christmas wish.

A friend posted on Facebook, “Peace is…leaving town for the weekend, pressing pause on life, listening to the kids play and laugh together, that exhausted feeling from a day full of activity.”  I commented without hesitation, “Peace is … knowing no matter what, everything is going to be okay.” A few days later, she shared with me that my words were right on time.  She explained that although she had posted about peace, she had very little of it that day and felt as if she was being ‘held together by scotch […]

When faced with someone else’s crisis, what do we do?

Like many of you, last weekend we waited for Hurricane Florence to arrive.  And waited.  And waited.  We “hoped for the best, and planned for the worst“.  I found myself glued to the television, watching the devastation the storm left behind.  I saw one of my favorite restaurants in South Port get washed away, as well as homes and beaches ravaged by the wind and rain.  I felt helpless for the victims, yet fortunate that it was not me.  It was a weird feeling.  I was so thankful the Hurricane skirted around […]

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

As we in North Carolina prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Florence, a sense of urgency has descended upon us.  The gas stations lines are long and the grocery stores lines are longer.  Bread, milk and water is disappearing fast, as we brace for what could be the worst storm since 1989.  You would think we were expecting snow.  We are definitely expecting something.  The problem is we don’t really know what to expect.  I saw a post on Facebook that read, “how do we get ready?” The question was sincere.  Instinctively […]

Want to hear from God? Here’s how.

I believe everyone can hear or experience God.  In last week’s blog, I encouraged you to share those stories.  Later in the week, in my Facebook Group, I video requested you to share your stories.  I was delighted to hear from you.  But, if you’ve never experienced or heard from God, you might be thinking that you don’t have a story to share.  I want to share a story with you in hopes of encouraging you to press into God. In 1 Samuel Chapter 3:1-11, we are told a story about the first […]