When faced with someone else’s crisis, what do we do?

Like many of you, last weekend we waited for Hurricane Florence to arrive.  And waited.  And waited.  Wehoped for the best, and planned for the worst“.  I found myself glued to the television, watching the devastation the storm left behind.  I saw one of my favorite restaurants in South Port get washed away, as well as homes and beaches ravaged by the wind and rain.  I felt helpless for the victims, yet fortunate that it was not me.  It was a weird feeling.  I was so thankful the Hurricane skirted around us but ached for those affected.  I could not imagine what it would be like to travel back home knowing most likely it was all ruined.  What would they do?  I thought of Jesus’ words, “love your neighbor as yourself.”  I’ve heard these words a thousand times.  This time, they stung.  What did Jesus mean?  How could I love them as myself?

It is in these times of crisis, our neighbors need our help.  We all know rubber-necking the scene of an accident does not help.  I got up from the television and I asked myself what I would do if it was my house that was flooded?   I would start cleaning up.  And I would hope that my neighbors would help.  What do you do when you are faced with someone else’s crisis?  You love your neighbor as yourself.  That’s what Jesus said.

In times like these, opportunities abound. The Fire Department from Kernersville, High Point, Greensboro and surrounding areas sent volunteers days before the storm hit.  Those men and women willingly left the safety and comfort of their own homes, to help their neighbors in need.  Talk about fulfilling the words of Christ.   I am so proud of our First Responders.

But I can’t just jump in my car and head to the coast because I want to help.  Nor should I.  There are ways that are helpful and there are ways that are not.  Check out this article on Responding to Disaster, the worst and best ways to help.    We’ve got plenty of great organizations doing lots of great work.  You don’t have to organize an effort, but you could choose to support one.

Here are some ways you can help;

  1. Red Cross Disaster Relief
  2. UMCOR; Donate funds for relief efforts, assemble kits, volunteer time
  3. Direct Relief
  4. Undies for Everyone
  5. The Cajun Navy
  6. Our local WXII Channel 12 news posted this list of over 10 organizations and ways to help.  Check it out here.
  7. And last but not least, pray.  Pray for the victims.  Pray for these organizations.  Pray for our First Responders.

This is a call to action.  It’s a command that Jesus gave when he said, “love your neighbor as yourself.”  Just because the storm is over, doesn’t mean the devastation is.  The clean-up efforts will be on-going for months.  And there is much to do.  It’s time for us to be the hands and feet that Christ called us to be.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, often we do not know what to do when we are faced with a crisis.  Help us to remember to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Thank you that you are always with us, often nudging us to do something.  Give us the courage to do it!  In Jesus Name, Amen. -M

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