
344 posts

God is God

God is God and I am not

“God is God and I am not”.  Have you heard this quote?  I’m not sure who said it but it has become my mantra.  Less than eight weeks ago, I left my business to follow a call into ministry. You can click here to read more about that story. Goal number one, write and publish my first book.  I did not anticipate the day to day challenges of life.  Life can be so very distracting.  I’ve been accustomed to going into an office Monday through Friday from 8am […]

Draw near to God and God will draw near to you

James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and God will draw near to you.”  That’s a promise. I remember the darkest time in my life.  I was medically sick for several weeks and no one could tell me what it was or how to heal from it.  I remember thinking that God had abandoned me in my time of need.  I laid in the bed wondering if this would pass and where God was.  I could not see my way out.  It was indeed my darkest hour.  […]

holding my hand

Holding me by my right hand

When was the last time you held someone’s hand?  Your spouse, your child, your friend, your mom?  There is a certain joy and comfort that comes to me when I’m walking through the wherever, holding my husband’s hand.  I feel loved and accepted.  I feel safe.  We are in it together.  And knowing that feels good. Yesterday during my prayer time, I opted to listen to a Christian meditation to help quiet my mind.  Quieting my mind helps me hear more clearly from God.  I’ve attached the link […]

Opportunity missed and how to recover from it

Do you ever feel like you missed an opportunity to do something?  This just happened.  I was in the check out line of the grocery store, about three customers back.  There were three guys at the register, maybe about 25, 18 and 13 in age.  I think they were brothers.  They did not have enough money to pay their bill.  Instantly, I began an internal struggle with myself.  Part of me wanted to step up and say, “I’ll take care of it.”  Another part was saying, “No just wait. […]

JOY and where to find it

Sometimes no matter what I do, I cannot find any JOY in my life.  Do you know what I mean? We were recently vacationing in Florida and it happened to be my birthday.   The sun was shining and temperatures were around 90.  Nothing like the weather back home in NC.  Needless to say, the warmth of the sun against our pale skin was a welcomed change.   You would think that joy would not be so elusive.  Even still, I found myself wanting more. On the day of my birthday, we decided to leave […]

God is always doing a new thing like these flowers in the mud

Hey friend.  Have you ever noticed how God is always doing a new thing?  I just got back from an annual camping trip to West Virginia.  It was great as always.  But there were places on the trails dry as bones and other places full of muck and mire.  As we were traveling along, I noticed these beautiful yellow flowers blooming right out of the mud.  It caught my eye and I had this overwhelming sense that is what God does in our lives.   God is always doing a […]