
balanced stones

Let me be content

In a season of buy, buy, buy; I find very little contentment within myself.
1Timothy 6:8, reminds me that I have ‘enough food’, more than enough actually. And I have ‘enough clothes’, clothes hanging in my closet that still have tags on them. “Let us be content.” Let ME be content. This is my prayer for me and my family.

Give pause

It’s a healthy reminder when this busy Christmas season tends to shove more, more, more down my throat. More gifts, more decorations and more food. Lots more food at every party I go to. It is time for me to give pause…

My ‘more’ is stealing my everything else

Pause long enough to recognize there are those that do not have more of anything. That’s one side. And then there are those, like me, that have more, more, more than enough. How can the two come together. If I have so much I can’t even be content and there are those that have so little yet appear to be more content than me, what’s going on here? Could it be that my ‘more’ is stealing my everything else?

Filled with so much joy

It reminds me of a story my sister told when she got back from her first mission trip to Kenya. She told she had found a little piece of heaven in this little village named Bodoi. The people are so poor, yet they are filled with so much joy. They do not have cell phones, televisions or even floors in their village homes. They do not have indoor plumbing and food and water is scarce to say the least. Yet they have something I do not. They are not only content in their meager surroundings, they are joyful in them. Maybe that’s the key. The mystery. To be thankful in all circumstances, actually unlocks some special gifts God has placed right inside of each and every one of us. These gifts are in me. So today, I will attempt to be content, giving God praise in all things. All I can do is try. So today, what will you attempt? I’d love to hear from you, so leave your comments and we will challenge each other on all our attempts, both successes and more importantly our failures. For it is in our failures that we learn the most. -M