Do you every wonder why you are here? Do you ever think about what your purpose is or if you even have one? Well, I might have found the answer.
Do your faith and actions work together?
Even if we do nothing with the gift God has given us, we still get the gift. God loves us that much. However, we get to choose to participate in the great work that God is doing here on Earth. We participate by our actions; the things we do, how we show and share the love of God and the attitude in which we do it.
This led me to the story of the Widow’s mite that I shared last week. This poor, destitute woman gave all she had. When I say she gave all she had, I mean when she dropped those two coins into that collection plate, she probably was not be able to eat that night. She literally gave all she had. Why would she do this? Because her faith matched her actions. Jesus commended her for it, saying hers was far greater than all the others that had given out of their abundance.
2 thoughts on “Do you ever wonder why you are here?”
Love this post! Thank you😊
Jennifer, thank you for reading and commenting. It encourages me to keep writing. Glad you enjoyed. Hugs to you and your family. -M