Do you ever wonder why you are here?

Do you every wonder why you are here? Do you ever think about what your purpose is or if you even have one? Well, I might have found the answer.

As Christians, we probably agree “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” Because of God’s incredible love for us, we get this free gift through Jesus Christ called GRACE. Some define grace as favor or divine assistance. Either way, we really don’t deserve it but God gives it to us anyway. No strings attached.
Two weeks ago, I told a touching story of an elderly friend of mine who longed to do something everyday to make someone else happy. Why would he do this? He explained that “faith without works is dead.” So he prayed and God told him to “use what he had.” Impacted by his story, I began looking at my own life, asking myself if I am using what I have to share God’s love with others? Could this be the point?
James 2:21-22 says, “…do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? 21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.
Our faith and our actions need to work together to make our faith complete. Do they have to work together? No. Our faith is what saves us just the same. But it is our actions showing up because of God’s love working in us that makes our faith complete.

Do your faith and actions work together?

Even if we do nothing with the gift God has given us, we still get the gift. God loves us that much. However, we get to choose to participate in the great work that God is doing here on Earth. We participate by our actions; the things we do, how we show and share the love of God and the attitude in which we do it.

This led me to the story of the Widow’s mite that I shared last week. This poor, destitute woman gave all she had. When I say she gave all she had, I mean when she dropped those two coins into that collection plate, she probably was not be able to eat that night. She literally gave all she had. Why would she do this? Because her faith matched her actions. Jesus commended her for it, saying hers was far greater than all the others that had given out of their abundance.

As I think about this story, I am reminded that God gave us everything He had. When God gave his one and only Son, to die on the cross for us, God gave all He had in order that we might live. This is God’s grace in action.

Does your faith reflect your actions? 

Faith and actions might as well be said as faith in action. We should be able to see our faith by the things we do, how we act and what we say. I challenge you this week, today even, look at your life, does your faith reflect God’s love for us through you? What is one thing you can do today to share Christ’s love with someone else?
Let us pray; God of all that is, thank you for this day and the great gift you gave us. Help us to understand why we are here. Show us how to make our faith complete through our actions. Let us always reflect your love and may we share the love of Christ with someone today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. -M
P.S. – Join me next week as I share why you are here and how impactful it is to participate in the Kingdom of God here on Earth. Leave me a comment, share this message with a friend or on Facebook.

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