How our faith is built… Part 1

Do you ever wonder how our faith is built? It does not just happen. We don’t just wake up one day and have faith. There is a building process that must take place that is linked to our relationship with God and others.

In the past few weeks, we have discovered a correlation between our relationship with God and others. As we get to know God through scripture, we realize we are actually spending time with God. Through this, we begin to trust God.

As we continue to study Joshua chapters 3 and 4, the Word shows us how to hear, trust and obey God. However, through our own life experiences, we learn that we can trust God. You might think we are moving slow, but we are actually figuring out how our faith is built.

Read Joshua 3:1-17. 

“When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about two thousand cubits between you and the ark; do not go near it.”

“When you see…”

Have you ever been given specific instructions on how to do something? Typically, the more specific the instructions, the more critical it is the follow them. In Joshua, we see this mass of people, fleeing for their lives, getting ready to make a bold move. One that they themselves would have never done. But their leader, who was already hearing God, was getting ready to show them the way. Joshua, through his own obedience, was teaching them.

They were in a life or death situation. When you are following someone that can save your life, you have to trust them. By placing your trust in them, they will either see you through, or, let you down. Either way, you are going to learn something. Sometimes, you have to step out. This is where you begin building your faith.

I love this verse in Joshua, “When you see your God you will know which way to go.” A lot of times in life, we find ourselves in situations where we don’t know which way to go. Sometimes, these are life or death situations, even if we don’t know it. This is when we look to God. We have to choose.

“When you see ‘your God,’ then you will know which we to go.”

It is hard to look to God when He is not ‘your God.’ This is a relationship with God. I know I am being redundant here but I really want you to get this first step; relationship. This is how our faith is built.

Once you shift from God to “My God,” you will be able to follow Him, even into the water.

We are getting ready to cross the Jordan. Now is the time to deepen your relationship with God. We are going places only God can take us. Only God can see us through. This is life or death and we are crossing that river. Now is the time to get your relationship right with God.

Let me show you how;

  • Pray.

God of all that is, I want to have a deeper relationship with You. I want to surrender my life to Your will and Your ways. Remove whatever is holding me back. Remove it. Make it known to me. Strip it away so that I can come into alignment with all that You have for me. Teach me to trust and obey. Show me how to build my faith so that when the day comes for me to cross that river, I am confident in who You are and who I am in You. In Jesus most precious name, Amen. 

Now, go back and read Joshua Chapter 3.

  • Read the Word of God.

By reading the Bible, we get to know God. Ask God to reveal Himself to you through His Word.

Next week, as we continue building our faith, we will consecrating ourselves. This is all preparation.

If you need a little more guidance in order to deepen your relationship with God, check out this YouTube video below. If you can’t see it, open this message from your browser. Be sure to leave me a comment below, forward this message to friend, and share it on Facebook. Until next time, start preparing. -M

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