Fear and Fasting and how one can overcome the other

Stepping over our Fears

Fear seems to be a common issue for folks. Even if we don’t realize it, underneath the worry and anxiety, there is fear. Fear is often the root cause.  Many times, fear has kept me from what God would have me to do.

For those of you following me, you already know I just sold my business of 20 plus years. If you are new to me, thanks for coming along.  You can click here to read more of My Story. I have 7 days until my last day in the office.  About 8 weeks ago, I was neck deep in fear.  Completely consumed to the point of questioning my decision of selling the business.  My thoughts were scrambled and I had decided I must be a crazy person for even thinking I could do this.  About that time, an email about fasting landed in my inbox.  The timing was impeccable.  But that’s what Holy Spirit does; push, poke, prod, pointing me in the right direction.  So, advice to you, become aware of those Holy Spirit nudges. Fasting had become a forgotten practice of mine.  I used to fast at every major decision.  I had not fasted in quite some time.  If you don’t know much about spiritual fasting, you can click here for some great info. (disclaimer: always check with your physician before making any dietary changes including fasting).

For me, fear keeps creeping in. Just when I think I have it tucked away, here it comes again.  That’s the problem though, I have it tucked away.  It really hasn’t gone anywhere.  It is still there; hiding, spying, looking for the opportune moment to rear its ugly head.  And when fear comes, it paralyzes me and takes captive my thoughts.  My bright future suddenly looks a whole lot dimmer.  That’s what fear does.  It holds us hostage in our current situations.  Fear knows that if we stay here with it, it has all the control and we have none.

It’s important to know, any power that fear has over me, I have given to it.  Say this with me, “fear has no power over me.  Any power fear has over me, I have given to it.”  If you struggle with fear, I would say these words out loud and often.  I believe that “everything I ever wanted waits for me on the other side of fear.”

So how do we move past the fear?  

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

― George Addair

Here’s what I did, with the reminder of fasting before me, I decided I would fast the very next day. A spiritual fast, with the intention of pressing in to God for clarity.  Fasting should always have a purpose.  Mine was to get my head straight.  God gifted me with a joyous fast day.  The most amazing thing happened, about midday, I had this visualization.  I saw myself STEPPING over my fear.   It was a physical act and a very high step, if you know what I mean.  Like I had to stretch my leg up and over the fear.  Something happened in that visualization.  The fear dissipated. Just vanished like vapor.  All my worrying and fretting went away.  That fear had been holding me back from the joy and excitement that God had for me.  I am so excited about my future and I don’t even know what it looks like.  Unbeknownst to me, the fear had come in and stolen my joy.  I was dreading my decision to sell my business.  Fear did that.  But once I stepped over that fear, all my joy and excitement came rushing back in.  And I thank God for this moment and welcome whatever comes next.

If you struggle with fear, here are some things you can do;

  • Pray. There is power in prayer.
  • Read the scriptures. Google Scriptures on fear.
  • Fast. There is power in fasting.

Just so you know, I am not a psychologist, therapist or coach. I’m just a person with normal every day struggles.  If you feel like your fear is too big to move through alone, I highly recommend talking to a professional.  Sometimes we need a little extra help.  I am a firm believer in the power of talk therapy.  There is more info on my resources page on mental health.

So in closing, don’t let fear steal what God has for you.  I would love to hear from you.  Leave a comment below and I will be sure to respond.




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