Fishes and loaves (part 3)

fishes and loaves






As we keep digging in on the fishes and the loaves, we find Jesus not only multiplying the bread, but increasing the significance of this miracle. Today, we will look forward at the revelation of who Jesus really is and look back at how it all ties together.

Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog entitled, Fishes and Loaves. As we read Matthew 14:13-21. we saw Jesus turning our ministry into an all out miracle.

Last week, in part 2 of that blog, we discovered the miracle actually begins when we bring what we have to God. He then blesses it, and gives it back to us. As we turn and share it with others, the miracle grows and God multiplies everything!

“When we trust God with whatever we have to offer, God will do incredible things through us. Thanks be to God!”

This week, we are going to discover how far back God’s faithfulness really goes and how far that faithfulness stretches. Yet, another miracle of multiplication.

God is our Provider.

In Jesus’ time, food was scarce. Food insecurity is not a new thing. And bread was life-giving. In fact, the people carried around baskets to collect to scraps of bread, even crumbs to be used and eaten later. Nothing was wasted. Everything was used. Isn’t that so like God?

God uses all the meager scraps of our lives and connects us to Him, as our true Bread of Life. Nothing is wasted with God. Every situation, every circumstance, every difficult thing you have ever gone through, God is using it to reveal who HE is in you. God doesn’t cause it, but He will use it.

As I studied the “fishes and loaves” passage, I realized this story is in all four gospels. The only other miracle that is mentioned in all four gospels is Jesus’ resurrection.

“They all ate and were satisfied.” 

My study note takes me to Mark 6:43, which reads, “Bread was regarded by Jews as a gift of God, and it was required that scraps that fell on the ground during the meal be picked up. The fragments were collected in small wicker baskets that were carried as a part of daily attire. Each of the disciples returned with his basket full.”

God has used bread, manna, Jesus; the Bread of Life, to reveal His love and faithfulness in the past, in the future and even still today. Bread truly is a gift of God.

There are some other miracles of bread we need to study before we move on. In doing so, it gives Jesus’ fishes and loaves miracle even more significance. Thus, laying the groundwork leading up to the greatest ‘bread’ miracle ever performed; Jesus’ death and resurrection.

This will be our framework of study for the next few weeks.


I know it is a lot. But as I began writing this blog three weeks ago, it started with a simple fundraiser and a remembering of the fishes and loaves story. Since then, as I began to study this passage in Matthew, the significance multiplied and is still multiplying today. This is God!

I am excited because we are in the midst of a real life miracle! It is up to us to bring what we have and offer it to God. Jesus, will then take that offering, thank God for it, and give it back to us. But you get to choose. I hope you will go with us and be a part of yet another miracle!

Let us pray;

God of all that is, create in us hearts that are willing to bring You everything we have. Open our eyes so that we may see the miracles in your Word and in our lives. Give us understanding, wisdom and knowledge today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. Let’s commit to studying God’s Word everyday. Use the above scriptures and begin reading. We will take each one, each week, for at least the next 6 weeks. Just in time to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Leave me a comment below because I love hearing from you. Tell me of the miracles you have experienced in your own life. Forward this message to a friend and ask them to subscribe to my website so they can receive these encouraging messages each week as well. Post on Facebook and ask others to check out my blog. Be sure to tag me in it. And as always, until next time, may God place a hunger in your soul that only He can fill. -M


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