Good, good father (revised and reposted)

trustMany of us just celebrated Father’s Day. As we reflect on our dads, it is always bittersweet. Some are still here with us, but many have gone on. They have left us with great examples of what it means to be a good, good father. That’s why I knew it was a good time to repost this blog my husband wrote a few years back. I hope you enjoy it as much now as we did then.

From Travis;

When Melissa first suggested I write another blog, this time about being a father, I wasn’t all that interested. I mean, she’s the writer in the family, right? But over the next few days, I began thinking about what it means to be a good father. Thinking about my dad and how great of a father he was, lead me to thinking about all the amazing fathers I know. Then, I thought about God, the ultimate example of a good father.

My dad was a stern man; quick witted, hard-nosed and loved a good laugh. He did not, however, show his love for us in a physical or verbal way very often. I never doubted his love for me. He was from an older generation and just didn’t show his emotions that much. The tears in his eyes when I hugged his neck in thanks for buying me a truck my senior year in high school, or the tears rolling down his cheeks while staring at my new born son, plus a multitude of other ways in which he showed his love for me, were confirmation of how much he cared.

set a great example for others

My dad set a great example for me. He came from a poor background, working in tobacco fields from the age of  5 or so.  He received his high school diploma while serving in the Army. After the military, he landed a job with the fire department and worked hard at it. Through this hard work, he made it all the way to the top, retiring as Fire Chief. My dad was a church goer, but more important, he was a believer! That was the best example he could have set. John 3:16 says that “For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” My dad believed. I knew that from very early on in my life. Pop, as I called him, was a good dad, a good father. I was always so proud to say I was Hannis Thompson’s son.

I am fairly different than my dad, though. I show my love for my son as often as I can. I am a touchy-feely kind of guy. If he is in arms-length of me, I want to touch him. I hug him regularly and tell him how much I love him. Everything I do and everything I am is for him now. I cannot begin to describe what a blessing it is to be his dad. I try to set a good example for him. I am sure I fail occasionally. But failing, and how I react to that situation, is yet another lesson. I give him advice all the time. I am certain he probably wishes I would be quiet and let him figure it out for himself, though. I try to do that, but I admit it is hard. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I give all of me, however much that is, to training him up.  Through trial and error, prayer and God’s guidance, I am doing my best to be a good father.

show love through words and deeds

God set the perfect example of how to be a good father. God shows us minute after minute how to love unconditionally. To think that He loves each of us so much that he would send His son to suffer and die on the cross is unfathomable. But that is exactly what He did for you and me. Jesus knew what He was getting into too. He knew what His mission was, and He gladly accepted. God loves us to no end. God said, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” (Jeremiah 31:3)

As much as I love my son, as much as you love your children, God loves us 100 times more. He teaches us daily. We are all guilty of trying to do things our own way, though. Sometimes I think I know better, or can handle a situation on my own. But nothing is better than what God wants for us. It is that constant guidance, that unconditional love, that God has for us, that we should seek every day. To be a good father, we only have to look to the Ultimate “Good Father”.

Let us pray,

God, you are a good, good Father. Thank you for that. You teach us everything we need to know about who we are and who You have created us to be. Help us to live into Your will for our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

P.S. If this message touched you, be sure to share it. Post it on Facebook and tag us in it. Meet me back here next week where we will get back to the work of the Holy Spirit. Something’s about to catch fire. -M

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