Lent: Into the Wilderness

into the wilderness

Today is our seventh day of Lent and you might feel like you just wandered into the wilderness. Jesus spent 40 days and nights there. But when we take a closer look, we see God led Him there. When God leads you to unusual places in your life, you can rest assured it will be for His glory.

Last week, March the 2nd marked the first day of Lent. If you count the days, we have exactly 40 until Easter Sunday. As I struggle to find ways to honor Christ, I realize I am just at the beginning. But, as Jesus drew near the end of his time in the wilderness, that is when He experienced His biggest temptations. Side note: the devil always shows up when we are weak. As we dig into this passage for the next few weeks, we will learn lesson after lesson and discover just where we can find our strength in the midst of temptation.

Let us pray. 

Spirit of the Living God, lead us like you led Jesus. Speak to us.  When we face temptation, may we remember that your Word can set us free. In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.

Turn with me to Matthew 4:1-4.

Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

I want us to break this down.

  1. “Jesus was led by the Spirit…”
  2. “... to be tempted...”
  3. “…by the devil.” 

Led by the Spirit

God led Jesus to be tempted by the devil. Often we blame the enemy for our trials and tribulations, but have you ever stopped to wonder if God is leading you to this place and why He might be? God’s purpose in Jesus’ life was greater than anything we could have imagined.

Jesus had just been baptized and the heavens opened up and God declared Him His Beloved Son. It was overwhelming. He retreated into the wilderness for prayer and fasting. He knew were to turn when He needed to get grounded, to find His footing. But also, as a way to honor and revere our Great God. In the midst of that sacrifice, His flesh became weak. At the very end of his time there, the enemy showed up.

And the tempter said, “If you are…” My study note says this actually means, “Since you are…” The devil was not questioning Jesus’ divinity. He knows exactly who Jesus is. He is actually tempting Jesus to use His supernatural powers. It is critical that Jesus endure the temptation in His earthly form.

Of course, Jesus answered, “Man shall not live on bread alone,…” It makes us think of God providing manna for the Israelites. Just like God is still providing for us today.

But here’s the lesson, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the the mouth of God.” We find our life in God. And the Word of God breathes life into our souls. We can stand against the schemes of the enemy by speaking the Word of God. God assures us through scripture that if we stand firm, the enemy will flee from us. God then grows us through these times and in the end, God is glorified.

All Scripture is God-breathed…

As God led Jesus into the wilderness, this time was divinely intended. It was marked.  Jesus needed to face every sin we face. He had to conquer those sins in his fragile humanity. This is what makes Him our Messiah. He did not have to die on the cross for us. But He did! He did not have to endure these temptations, but He did. Because His love for us is far greater than anything else.

So as we look ahead, we have 40 days to go. How will you honor Him? What will you do? Mark this time and allow God to work in and through you. Discover this deep down Love of the Father for His children. A love so great He is willing to lay down His life for you.

Let us pray;

Jesus my Messiah, help me understand what you did for me. Teach me your ways and your Word. Show me how to honor you with my life not just today but every day. In your sweet, sweet name, I pray. Amen. 

P.S. leave me a comment below and let me know what you are doing to honor Jesus. Forward this message to a friend and share on Facebook. See you next time. -M


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